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“A high school?” Percy frowned, dreading the thought of going back to on. 

“Not as happy about going back?” Aphrodite smirked.

“Considering my school years usually involved monsters in some form I can admit that I am not looking forward to the next part,” Percy deadpanned. “Every year had to deal with monsters in some form or another so…”

“Yeah, I can see how that would make things difficult. You shouldn’t have to worry about anything like that due to the protections that he got.

“Oh, so I’m looking for a boy?”

“Yup! I got a pic, and I’ll show you that once you’re there.”

“Alright then,” Percy said, somewhat happy that he had a little more to work with. It wasn’t ideal considering how large some schools could be, but it would give him something at least. “So then are you going to send me over now or what?”

“In a minute, but there is one last thing we have to do first. No offense Percy, but with how you look now, I don’t think you would be able to fool anyone with your current looks. We need to make you look more appealing and less threatening to him, and to the students around him,” Aphrodite said, making Percy blink.

“What? I don’t look that bad do I?” Percy questioned.

“Oh no, not at all, but you clearly are out of the awkward teenage years now. So we can certainly make it a little easier for him to listen to you,” Aphrodite said. “And I know just how to do it.”


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