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Percy sighed as he lounged on his hammock at Camp Half-Blood. Most of his friends were busy doing something else, and he felt like just lounging around and taking some time to himself. He thought over how things have gone for him. 

Things were going well if he had to be honest. Soon, he would be starting college in New Rome and would be facing another sort of beast entirely. And unlike the  

He pulled out his necklace and stared at the various beads. Memories rushed forward all of the adventures that he had over the years. Every year there seemed to be something going on. He wouldn't be surprised if there was another divine anomaly that he needed to deal with. Though he wasn't sure what could top Gaea of all beings. Then again, he was sure that with his life and track record, it would somehow find a way. 

"Please let there be no chaos for a little while," Percy sighed. "I want to be able to go through more than a few months without having to worry about fighting for my life or something. I really need to get through all of the college applications and all." 

A bright flash of light caught his attention and Percy turned and to his surprise, he saw ______.

"Me and my big mouth," Percy muttered. 


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