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Hey everyone, I hope that you enjoyed Soul Santa! I plan to get the other story out tomorrow as well. I wanted to get this out earlier, but the insanity of the holiday season really caught up to me and didn't have a good moment to do so. Not to mention my own birthday as well. 

I plan to get more done with you guys, by trying to get back into CYOAs. I have some thoughts on the next one, and it might be more deciding fate for a certain character that I have been having an urge for. 

But the main thing is that its time to leave your thoughts for what should be the stories for next month. Just leave them here, or in my discord and I'll add you to it. 

You have until the poll goes up on January 1st to do so. 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everybody!



Hot Chocolate Love(Tribute to National Hot Chocolate Day): When the power to his house is knocked out on the coldest night ever, a guy stays at a “friend’s” place for the night. He is offered a cup of hot chocolate to warm up with. When finished he starts to transform into Chacha (Maken-Ki) who the “friend” convinces to cuddle for the night when the heater “mysteriously” cuts out.


Same as last month

insert name here

Wanted to suggest a follow-up to the "4th Wall does not prevent tg story" with you taking revenge. Couple of ways this could go, but maybe the twist this time is you bring them into the real world and change them into cosplayers who like dressing up as nero, joker, and jaune. Maybe at the end you encourage them to dress up as ladies from the same franchise as a way to branch out.


Nice! Would love to do and that could be lovely. Changing them into girls, as genderbends then make them cosplay as others XD

Heroic Spirit Stewart

Fate Grand Order/Highschool dxd: Vali isn’t the biggest fan of New Years… or any holiday for that matter. However, after the very hectic and difficult year, he has had, meeting his fate d rival, betraying his adopted dad, being a terrorist for a bit, getting pardoned, and being adopted by Odin… even though he is ready to celebrate. Though maybe he shouldn’t have picked off the Chinese Mythical rabbit god when it’s just about to be the year of the rabbit… (Basically, Vali gets turned into bunny girl Jalter, with the whole standard realty alteration, and is in love with Issei, fighting with Rias and Akeno over him. Just couldn’t help it with the b year of the rabbit, you know?) https://external-preview.redd.it/DAAgNbMKI2kLZYThkbe57SDGH3vPFfyGoJdDTKyQ58A.jpg?auto=webp&s=5f6ab68c5f4ea9a6ba7ca41d698b3b25b2ad2e03 , https://www.reddit.com/r/FGOfanart/comments/i2b6yx/bunny_waitress_jalter/