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Robert sighed as he made sure that everything for the potion would come out perfectly. He couldn’t afford any mistakes and saw that everything he needed for his concoction was there. This had been the third time that he had checked it, but he wanted to make sure that it was correct so that there wouldn't be any accidents. This time would be the one where he would be able to make an elixir that would transform someone’s gender and give them animal parts as well, at least according to the results from the computer, it wouldn’t result in any disasters happening.

The young man looked around his lab, waiting for the moment that the mixing would finish. As he looked around all of the tests that he had done for this moment came rushing forward, including the failures and the successes in his experiments, all of the failures. He had high hopes that this time it would work as he expected from all the data he gathered.

All he had to do was run the test and drink it, and then he would know for sure if it went as he expected that it would. If things went as he thought they would, then this time, if things went as they should then he would become a rich man when it was all ready to go. Just in case anything were to happen to kept a few samples of his original DNA in case he needed something to fall back on. Fortune favors the bold and the prepared from his experience and he would agree with that.

Though if he was being honest the real reason that he wanted to do it was for more perverse reasons. If he could make a real cat, fox, or wolf girls then he would be able to make a killing off of making that possibility real. Even people that don’t want to become an animal-themed girl would still be willing to throw a lot of money at him so that they could become a girl. Hell, he knew 3 people from his immediate friend group who would do it in a heartbeat just so they know what it's like to have a pair of boobs. A ping from the computer made him jump. Robert looked back and saw that his chemical creation had finished forming.

The young man stared at the completed concoction, breathing in and out. His nerves jumbled the longer he stared at it. He slowly reached out, as if it would explode in his head if he moved too fast. He lifted the vial out of the stirrer. He breathed in and out and raised it in the light. It changed shades from a bright red and looked almost blue, he slowly tilted and hummed as he saw shades of blue and red mixing in it.

Seeing how it changed, Robert stared at the liquid, not sure what to make of it. He had hoped that he would have some more courage by now. He could recall the times he had tested it on himself and the failures that he had done. Sometimes how he would have boobs, or a bigger butt, wind up looking like a girl but still have his privates, have the animal ears but still be a boy, and more.

“No guts, no glory, riches, and babes. Just do it, Robert, you cleared your schedule for this,” Robert muttered to himself.

With a mighty heave, the young man chugged the elixir down and gulped. He could feel it travel through his body, and let out a small burp as the taste of coconut came over his tongue.

“Need to work on the flavoring still,” Robert muttered as he placed the vial down. “Still got that damn aftertaste.”

If he could think of a way to make it taste like strawberries or something then he would consider that a much-needed victory. He hated coconut and the fact that he had to taste it only served to annoy him.

Robert started the timer and watched the numbers pass by for the process to begin. Every second that passed made him feel as if he was waiting for an electric shock to go through him. He looked at his hands, wondering what would change first this time.

Unknown to the young man, his inky dark black hair changed. His hair shifted and gained the same coloring as the potion. It brightened slightly as if shifted into shades of red and blue that was becoming more prominent as time passed. When it finished changing he had bright blue and red hair that would have caught the eye of anyone that looked at him.

Right after Robert’s hair finished changing color, his hair grew longer and the young man flinched as he felt it trail down his head. His hair brushed against his ears and the back of his neck making him flinch slightly. He reached up and felt softer hair there that made him breathe slowly in and out as he waited for it to finish. It brushed against his cheeks as it moved, but he still didn’t move to grab them just yet, preferring to wait until it was done. When he felt it stop crawling down his back he grabbed a handful of his new hair and jumped at the new mane of hair that he was sporting now.

“Oh wow, this hair almost gives me a party guy look,” Robert commented. He never tried before with this, but he would be lying if he said that he didn’t mind it.

The changing boy felt funny and pulled at the collar of his shirt. He looked at the sleeves of his shirt and saw that they looked a little larger on his body than they had been just a short while ago. He could feel his clothes drag across his body as they drooped along his frame and knew that he was getting smaller. As the bottom of his pants drooped, Robert tightened the belt that he had around his waist so that they would stay put.

The young man looked at his hands and tried to see if there was anything off about them. His nails grew a little longer. He watched as they did, breathing to keep calm. He pressed the top of them against his palms and gulped. He pulled them back a little worried that they would break through the palms of his hands, as the tingling sensation came over his palms. He watched as they shrunk, unsure about what to make of it as they did. Just as quickly as the process began it finished when he had small dainty womanly hands. Robert gulped and rubbed his skin and marveled at the softer feeling that came from it as if he had used a new lotion.

It continued up his arms and he frowned at the change that happened there. He watched his biceps get smaller, their size reducing and becoming more womanly. He prodded them in amazement at the slight tone that they had. It was rather odd for him with how much tighter they seemed to be even though they were smaller. A sharp pain went through his back as his shoulders moved closer together losing some of the girth that they had. The transforming boy massaged and rolled his arms around and tried to relieve some of the stress that formed from them as small little pops came from them.

Robert examined his arms in their entirety, thrown off by the difference in their form. It was as if he was looking at someone else's arms that had been attached to his body. He wiggled his fingers around trying to get a feel for them and see if there was anything different at all from how they usually worked. He pulled, twisted, and flexed them in numerous ways, and yet they still felt like they always did.

The young man’s feet tingled as the next part of the transformation came into effect. He wiggled his toes as they let out small but loud little pops as they got smaller, and as they did the rest of his feet started to change as well, shrinking down to conform to the new changes. Robert kicked He raised them and marveled at the changes that were happening to his feet. He touched them and shuddered.

“Okay we’re off to a good start,” Robert weakly chuckled. At the very least he hoped that he would be able to adapt to them quickly. He wasn't sure if you would be able to otherwise.

The transformation continued up Robert’s legs and he could only adjust his stance as they did so that it was easier for him to stand. He leaned against the wall and raised one of his legs. The multi-colored boy ran his arms down his legs, pressed down on his calves, and marveled at the softer flesh that he felt from there. He spasmed slightly from how it felt, not sure what to make of it but continued to do so. He needed to know how much stronger it felt down there and couldn’t bring himself to resist doing so.

“Ok the new fitness is strange but not unwelcomed,” Robert remarked. He brought his leg down and tried to stand on them without any support and much to his relief he was able to. The transforming boy grinned, pleased with himself. “We’re not out of the woods yet.”

Robert’s thighs ballooned and pressed against the sides of his pants, making him wince as they did. The pressure on them only continued to grow and there seemed to be nothing that he could do to alleviate the tension. There was something addicting about pressing down on his expanding thighs as if he couldn’t bring himself to think or say anything else. Just the little buds of pleasure that originated from it were so nice and relaxing that it felt like the whole world could end and he would be far too distracted with the jiggling wonder that came from them. By the time that the process had come to an end, Robert had large thicc sexy thighs that looked like they would have been the perfect reference for what a lap pillow should be.

“Hot damn, people would go nuts for these,” Robert muttered. He could easily envision the horde of people online, going on about how great they were, wishing to feel them. Hell if they weren’t his, he probably would have been drooling like a bitch in heat for them.

Robert stumbled as a sudden change to his hips made him stumble from their previously diminutive form. The changing boy gasped at the sight of the wide child-bearing hips that wouldn’t have looked out of place from one of the hottest babes in the school with how wide they were. He rolled them around and found it almost relaxing.

“Holy shit, now this is how you complete the set,” Robert remarked and gave them an appreciative squeeze that made him gulp. They were wide enough that it would have been easy for anyone to grab a hold of them and do with the rest of his body as they wished. Hell, he was half tempted to keep massaging them.

A sharp pain erupted from the feminine boy’s stomach again making him wince and his eye twitched. He breathed trying to relax as he raised his shirt a little hesitant about what he would see. Robert was pleasantly surprised to see and awed to see it reduce in size. The hard muscle there disappeared as if he had been letting himself go. Robert squeaked and quickly began patting down his stomach. His fingers went into the changing flesh easier and for a moment he worried that he had unintentionally set himself up for putting on weight.

“No, no, no, it wasn’t supposed to do this!” Robert cried. After a few more proddings, he noticed that the previous softness was disappearing. He hesitantly moved his hands away as if that would cause some serpent to lash out at him if he moved too quickly. He could see that the jiggle that it had before was going away as more toned muscle appeared in it. It continued to harden and push until he was left with a perfectly fine and attractive smooth flat stomach that would have put a washboard to shame.

“Ok false alarm,” Robert sighed, inwardly relieved that things were still going to the correct parameters. He wasn’t sure how bad things would be if things suddenly didn't follow the correct course that he had set. Especially if he had to deal with a couple extra 200 or 300 pounds on top of it all.

His waist curved inward as if his sister was forcing him to wear a corset. A crack came from his body and it started to lose some of its mass, adding a flare to his flat boring hips. The more his stomach gave into the change, the curvier it made his body seem than it truly was. It quickly came to an end when he had a sexy slim waist that would have been perfect for a model.

Robert grinned shyly. He couldn’t help but admire himself and knew that this would have been something that would have driven some guys mad with lust. It was thrilling to run his hands over his new curves and admire what he had.

“Things are still going as they should,” Robert commented. He looked at the screen to see if there was anything that would tell him something was wrong. Thankfully everything was still in the green and within the parameters that it should be.

Robert thought over the transformation and realized how close he was to finishing the gender portion of the transformation. He was so close to becoming a girl, and yet he was so far away as well. Though if things went as they should then that wouldn't be the case for much longer.

“Moment of truth,” the young man said. If this didn’t go as he would like then he would have to go to the drawing board for a little while. Something that he wouldn’t like to do. All of the time that he would have to do was to make sure and clear his schedule so that he wouldn’t have to worry about anything going on and could examine himself and the results of his test without worry.

The pressure in Robert’s lower body continued to build and the poor boy did everything that he could to brace himself for it. If the rest of the transformation was anything to go by then he was willing to bet that this would be much worse since it was such a sensitive area. He gulped and closed his eyes, waiting for the moment that the transformation would begin in earnest.

After what seemed like hours, the pull on his lower body swelled and finally reached a point that it made his manhood shrivel in on itself. The pull on his lower body made him let out a loud seductive moan that would have made many cream their pants. Every inch that he lost on his privates only served to arouse him further and make him wish that there was some lovely bae here doing so. Either way, he would be able to recall this feeling when he enjoyed himself and would be able to fantasize about this moment.

The hours seemed to span into days and yet there was still no release. His body kept twitching and made it impossible to look and see how far long he was. Whenever he tried, it would suddenly get harder for him as if his body was trying to fight him on a primal level. His body would shake and spasm as it entered his frame.

Robert moaned loudly, lewdly as the remains of his dick entered his body. The young man stumbled back and forth as if he was a tree that had been chopped at until it would fall. A loud wet slurping noise broke through the fog and made him let out a relieved sigh as he was finally able to gain some slight control and sense of where he was. The drained young man swayed side to side as if he would fall over. The gender transition had drained him of all the energy that he had left and could wonder what was going on with him now. He reached down below and felt nothing left of his former anatomy, now completely replaced with a woman’s vagina that was roaring and ready to see some action.

“My boys,” the former young man moaned. She couldn't believe that she was officially a woman now and her fingers trembled against the new hole that was down there. The perverted part of her that was amazed by the transition wanted to slip her fingers inside now to see what it was like but she couldn't bring herself to do so, worried how it might affect her especially since you need to keep a clear mind at the moment. It was astounding and closer than she had ever been the one in real life and that made her all the more eager to see what it was like to put her fingers down there.

Suddenly her face ached in pain. She could feel her bones shift in her face and winced as her face twitched. Her nose twitched as it let out a low crack of pain as it shifted into a smaller cute petite nose. Her lips plumped in size and become softer kissable mounds that would have made many wonder how they were to kiss. His brown eyes shifted and became a bright amber that would have made many pause at the exotic look they had. When the changes to her face finished, she had a beautiful heart-shaped face that would have put her at the top of the list as the most beautiful girl in school.

“Damn,” Robert muttered. This was easily the most beautiful female face that his face had ever become. “This is going to be a way to advertise it for sure.”

There were so few things left before the transformation was fully completed. She was missing the most…desirable portion of the transformation as far as she was concerned. Though the main question that she had at the moment was what would be coming first. She didn’t have any particular favorites in that regard. She looked at the computer hoping that it would be able to give her some sense of guidance into what might happen next. She frowned when all she saw was that everything was in the green with no indication of what would happen next.

“Can’t brace for either or huh?” Robert sighed. She wished that she had something that she would have been able to go off so that she knew what to expect.

Suddenly Robert squealed as if something was going up her butt, making her quickly turn around and see her butt pushing out, filling with fat. As it did, her cheeks got rounder. The young woman winced in arousal from the suddenness of it and breathed through her nose. Robert massaged her buttocks, breathing through her nose and trying to keep some measure of control. The electric addicting bulbs of pleasure that she caused made her hungry for more and could no longer resist the addicting call from her ballooning posterior. It continued to strain her pants and a ripping noise filled the room that made her face darken in shame and glee. It continued to expand for a few more seconds and then started slowing down. After some pleasing agonizing seconds, Robert was left with a huge seductive heart-shaped ass that would have attracted the gaze of many of it for even a chance of seeing it in its full naked glory.

She looked down at her chest in patient growing excitement. As a boob lover, this has been what she was waiting for the most, and would finally get to feel her boobs grow. She hoped that they would live up to all of her hopes and dreams. She wasn’t sure how long it would take for her to make the adjustments.

She licked her lips, waiting for the moment that her boobs would start growing. To her eager glee, she could feel the fabric around her nipples start stretching, and scratching against them. She shimmied around and her face burned slightly as the anticipation that she felt kept building. She opened the front of her loose shirt and saw her nipples were larger now, making her grin.

“Time for the big boobs to come in. Don’t keep me waiting for you,” Robert pouted, glaring down at her chest as if it was a rambunctious child that was trying to fight his orders.

As if it had listened, a small layer of padding appeared down there that made her grin in excitement. She pressed down and shuddered as a bolt of pleasure wet through her body. She kept her hands there as they were pushed further out and shimmied her body side to side. The slight sway that she felt from her small budding chest. Her hands were pushed further away and she squealed in eager glee as she wondered how much bigger they would get before they were finished.

Her hands were pushed away from her chest as her bust swelled. Robert bit her lips at the cushion that she was feeling there and pressed down on her developing chest. Another bud of pleasure went through her body making her feel so alive that she couldn’t help but begin fondling her chest with savage glee. Her breasts continued to grow even when they became the size of oranges they continued to swell and became as big as ripe apples. They kept getting bigger and bigger and so did the glee that Robert felt. As they started to slow, Robert let go of his chest so that he could see them become the size of large jugs that would have filled an F-cup bra without any issue.

Robert could only smile happily at the transformation that happened there and was ever so happy that they had gone as she hoped that they would. She took one more look at the computer to see if there were any unexpected hiccups and as she had expected there was nothing wrong.

“Ok, the gender changes are going as hoped. I got this portion right at least. Just got to get the second one that gives me the ears and tail and then everything will be a success,” Robert said a little nervous about the next part of the process.

This wouldn’t be like the rest of the stuff that she had gone through. Before there had been some indication of what the process would be like this. This was uncharted territory. This was something that couldn’t be prepared for and the question was what it would be like.

A sharp pain suddenly came from her lower body, just above her butt. She looked at the computer screen, making sure that it wasn’t anything lethal, and was pleased to find that it wasn’t. Still, it did little to calm her down, knowing that something could go wrong in just a scant few seconds.

In one fell swoop, the pain that she felt from there ceased and she let out a relieved sigh. Robert blinked at the sight of a large wolf tail that had the same coloring as her hair and wagged behind her. The young woman could feel it twitch and move behind her, as though it had gained a mind of its own. She touched the top of her head and felt soft fluffy animal ears. She had expected this, but it was still rather surreal to see.

“Oww!” she cried and quickly pulled her hands away, her ears laying flat on top of her head and her tail lowering as it shuddered in pain. “Going to keep that in mind for any future soft and fluffy animals that I interact with in the future.”

Suddenly a ringing went through the wolf-tailed girl’s head, making her blink. She tried to say something and stomped her feet, but she didn’t hear anything at all. For a moment she gulped and prayed that it would come back and that it would be as it should. After a few agonizing seconds, the ringing ceased and she could hear her labored breathing.

Something twitched on top of her head and she hesitantly reached up, a little fearful of what she would feel and that it might hurt. The young woman flinched when she felt two soft fluffy points on top of her head. They twitched in her hands and she rushed over to the nearby mirror again and saw two fluffy wolf ears that rested on top of her head.

Robert smiled, her tail slowly wagging faster behind her. She gripped her hands and the smile that she had on her face only became more prominent. She shivered as her tail’s sway became even faster.

“Yes, it works!” Robert cried, her tail now wagging rapidly behind her. She danced in place, not at all minding the bounce and jiggle of her curves as she did and why should she? Because of this, she was going to be a very rich and famous person soon.

She could already see it now. The fame and fortune that she would have when it came through. Sure it wouldn’t be immediate, but that would all come in time.

There were things that she needed to do first. Let the professor know that her experiment was a success and to get examined by a medical professional. It was a requirement for any experiments, especially ones that performed tests like this.

“Alright now that the test is over I can schedule an appointment,” Robert said gleefully and pulled out her phone, but froze when she saw a reminder that made her heart still.

“What the… I can't believe that I forgot that stupid test,” Robert groaned. Out of all the things that she could have missed she had forgotten that she had a history test on top of it all. It made her want to slam her head against the wall. There was no way that she would be able to undo the transformation before then.

She looked at the time and quickly went through her contacts until she found his number. She tapped her foot impatiently ignoring the bounce of her bust and jiggle of her ass. She prayed that she would be able to get him before he left his office.

“Hello professor Stein speaking, who is this?” Came from the other end, much to her relief.

“Hi professor Stein, this is Robert Ramirez, I’m in your 2 o'clock class,” Robert started. “I performed another one of my experiments and I won’t be able to take the test today so I need to schedule a day that I would be able to perform a make-up test so I can get a medical examination.”

“Ahh I’m sorry to say Mr. Ramierz but I won’t be able to do that,” Professor Stein ordered, making the young man’s heart fall into his stomach.

“Professor, please I need this examination!” Robert pleaded desperately. “I can’t come to class in my current state.”

“Then I’m sorry to say Mr. Ramierz then I will have to give you an f for the test. I hope to see you in the classroom soon.”

Robert ended the call, looking down at the contact number as if it was a piece of filth that had ruined her lovely tail.

“Well, I know someone's getting a horrible review,” Robert muttered.

It took all of Robert's willpower not to throw his phone at the wall. He couldn't believe that his Professor couldn't do this for him during a medical emergency of all things. He would rather not have to paint a giant target on himself but it seemed like that due to his dumbass professor he would have to go into class today despite all of the changes that had happened to him.

“Okay, Robert, what can you do now?” Robert muttered.

He tried to think of what he could do. Going to take it on another day was off the table because his professor was an asshole. If he could then he would have done that, even if it cost him a letter grade. Just because he went up to a higher authority like the dean of the school. Though that didn’t mean that he would get what he wanted. If anything he might not get it in the end and earn nothing but his professors' animosity.

“I'm going to have to bite the bullet today or aren't I,” Robert asked himself rhetorically. There was no way that he could afford to miss this damn test. If he missed this test then he wouldn't be able to graduate on time and would have to spend another semester here. That would be more money wasted that he couldn't afford to waste.

There was no way none of her clothes would fit her with this curvy smaller body. The curves on her frame were too pronounced to hide and with how much smaller she had gotten her clothes would droop on her frame and leave her in a vulnerable state. If she had a fashion disaster then exposing something worse would make her the talk of the school.

She couldn’t afford to rush off campus to get-go and buy some clothes even if it was just one outfit. that would just be a waste of money since you would never wear them again. The campus store wouldn’t have any essentials that she needed, primarily a bra so that her boobs wouldn’t bounce all over the place.  Thinking about that sentence and imagining her wearing a bra was as strange as she thought it would be.

She looked at her keyring, desperately trying to think of something that she could do. It didn’t help that every second spent here, was time that could have gone to get her clothes.

Suddenly an epiphany came to Robert about what she could do instead. Her sister had given her an extra room key in case she had forgotten or lost her for whatever reason and he had been smart and nice enough not to abuse it. A grin formed on her face and her tail wagged a little faster behind her as the spark of hope went through her. If her expectations were lived to then they should fit her and she wouldn’t have to pay a dime.

Robert rushed over to her sister's dorm room knowing that she wouldn’t be there at the time. During the run over, the young woman got a first-hand experience as to why girls wore bras, especially bigger girls. The huge rack that she had kept bouncing around all over the place, making her wince slightly from the sudden weight going up and down.

“Ok maybe I need to reconsider the bra angle,” Robert muttered a little disdainfully. She would rather now have to wear something like that but with these immense boobs, it would probably be for the best that she did. At the very least she could take some solace that her ass would also gain some much-needed support as well.

When Robert arrived at her sister’s dorm, She breathed out and looked around, making sure that no one would see her and what she was about to do. The wolf girl entered the dorm and all but rushed through her sister’s closet. She took out the clothes that she felt would be comfortable and placed them on the side. This wasn’t the first that she had gone through here when she needed a change of clothes and knowing her luck and experiments it wouldn't be the last time either.

The first thing she did was get the lower garments since that would take the most time. Finding the right top would be an easier challenge since there wasn’t anything stopping it from happening like wings or spikes this time. The main thing that she had to keep in mind was the tail that she was sporting now. They weren’t designed with someone who had one in mind, though that might happen in the future. She grinned, knowing that she could make a killing their to, by opening up whole new avenues to explore.

She managed to slip on the bikini top with minimal difficulty. It was a relief that she had some experience with putting one on from her transformation experiences. She wasn’t sure if it was a bad thing or not that she had gotten so used to it.

Her reflection in the mirror caught her attention and the young woman stopped. Everything about her current predicament came forward along with the hotness of it as well. There was no doubt in her mind that if anyone were to see her now they would have been over the moon to her large rump and the generous sideboob. Even with her clothes not fully on she couldn’t help but admire her look and knew that guys and gals would throw themselves at her.

“Damn I look great,” Robert said. She hadn’t meant to pick out clothes that would show off her body like this, but she wasn’t going to complain. They served their purpose. She took out her phone and took a picture of herself in her current state. “For future study.”

After taking her picture, Robert continued to get dressed. She finished adjusting her top and zipping up her jacket. Even then there was still a noticeable outline of her bust. She got out the wrinkles in her attire, making sure that there wasn’t anything out of place on her aside from the wolf ears and tail that she had.

Now that she was fully dressed, she rushed out of the room and headed to the classroom. With the time that she had, she would be able to get there in time with some room to spare to try and get her nerves under control. She wanted to get out of here and have this test done as fast as possible.

When she arrived at her classroom, her nerves were at their peak. She took a moment to calm down and relax, knowing that would help her immensely once the test started. The students looked shocked to see her and some of their jaws dropped at the sight of a real wolf girl. To her dismay, she saw that Mr. Stein was here as well who didn’t seem at all in awe about her new form.

“Ahh Mr. Robert I see that your experiment this time was a resounding success,” Mr. Stein said.

“Yes, it was,” Robert replied tightly, noticing the looks that she was getting from her fellow students.

“Well, then that’s good to hear. I hope you have prepared yourself for the test as well,” Mr. Stein questioned. “Well then take your seat, and do any last-minute preparation. We shall begin shortly.”

As Robert went to her seat she made sure to give her professor the stink eye. She could feel the eyes of all of her fellow students on her as she walked a good number of them examining the bounce of her boobs and butt. While others were drawn to her fluffy tail and ears. She wanted nothing more than to deck him in the face for this. This was what she had hoped to avoid. Again.

Mr. Stein went around the room and passed out the test. As it came down the aisle, Robert breathed in and out, focusing on the slow rise and fall of her breasts to calm down. It was still a weird feeling, but it did help her relax.

The young woman hummed as she looked over the questions, looking for ones that she was sure that she knew the answers for. It would be best to get the easy ones out of the way first and could focus on the harder ones after.

The former boy smiled at the easy question that she had gotten and her tail wagged behind her gleefully. She went through them, her mood brightening as it wagged behind her.

Now that the immediate easy questions were done she went back to the first page and began going down the list in order. Her ears flattened on her head as she tried to think of what the answer was. She breathed out and quickly went through it. Her tail dropped as she did and her ears flattened against her head as her nerves jumbled. She gulped tapping her fingers as she scrambled for an answer and then wrote down the first thing that she felt was correct. She kept going through, her tail wagging rapidly as she answered questions to the best of her ability, and stilling when she was having trouble.

The moment she reached the last question, Robert sighed as she stood up, her tail dangling lifelessly down as she stepped up. Her professor looked at her, still not showing even the slightest surprise at her female form with animal attachments.

“Here you go,” Robert sighed as she handed her the professor.

“Thank you, Mr. Ramirez I hope that your medical examination goes well,” Mr. Stein said as he continued to observe the class for any cheaters.

Robert grunted and then stepped out of the room. The moment she was out of the room, Robert’s tail wagged excitedly, the young woman more than happy to be out of there. She was so happy that it was over. Now that she was over she could go about getting that medical examination.


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