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Cameron blinked and stretched on his bed. His body let out low pops as he moved. A new wave of relaxation came to him that made him snuggle deeper into the bed that he was in. He didn’t remember it being this soft, but he wasn’t going to complain about a nice soft bed. He opened his eyes and the tiredness that he felt disappeared in an instant when instead of a normal plaster roof he saw what looked to be a metallic one.

He leaped off the bed and shivered when his feet touched a cold metal floor. He looked around, his heart speeding up as he tried to figure out where he was and what was going on.

The room was bare and free of any furnishings outside of the bed and only had a toilet in the room as well. What caught his attention the most was the door. The door looked like a giant pair of sliders and lacked a handle. On a second look, Cameron noticed what seemed to be a small camera set up in the corner of the room. If he didn’t know any better then he would have thought that he was in some sort of sci-fi interstellar station or something. He went over to the door hoping that it would open if he got close enough, but it didn’t budge. He place his hands on the door and tried to pry it open, but it didn’t move at all. Seeing there was nothing else he could do, Cameron turned back to the camera and took a deep breath as his heart pounded in his chest.

“Hello?” Cameron questioned, looking all around the room. “Is there anybody listening? Where am I? If this is some sort of joke then you better stop it now this isn’t funny. I will get the cops involved!”

He knew that probably wasn’t a joke, but it felt good to say. Just a small bit of levity before whatever happened next did. With a heavy heart, Cameron stared at the camera, waiting to see if there was any sort of indication that would tell him that they had heard him. With how advanced the room he was he was willing to bet that they could.

He wondered how long he sat there waiting, staring at the camera. It was all he could do. It was as if he was a moth staring at a flame. It was the only clue that he had in this situation and he intended to make full use of it.

After some time, the young man could faintly hear footsteps getting closer and breathed in and out to calm his racing heart as he prepared himself for whoever it might be. He turned to the door and readied himself for whatever might happen next, his mind imagining a variety of alien monsters with horrific experiments that they sought to put him through. Some of his old friends bursting through the door with the biggest grins on their faces as they roasted him for the terror he felt. If it was them then he would make sure to give them a strong punch to the face for this.

The door opened and Cameron’s heart fell when he saw pair of large guards come through the door. They wore futuristic-looking suits that looked like they had just come out of Mass Effect. Despite the suits, they wore they stood head and shoulders taller than him, and through the clothes, Cameron could tell that the two of them were built like brick houses. On their sides somehow still attached were a pair of smooth advanced-looking guns that he swore looked like they had just come from Mass Effect as well. He had seen that symbol before and his heart fell into his chest. There was a symbol on their suits. A diamond-looking symbol that was surrounded by two large pillars on both sides of it. Either they were top-of-the-line cosplayers, who were taking this joke or whatever far further than they had to. Considering how hard and long it could take to set something like this up, he had to consider all the possibilities.

“Stand still,” the left one muttered. “Raise your arms.”

Cameron raised his arms as the other stepped forward and patted him down and Cameron held back the yelp that wanted to come out of him. He didn’t know what would happen if he set them off. His hands curled, but his eyes were focused on the other guard whose hand was resting by the handle of the gun on his side. He didn’t dare to fight back and let them look his body over. He had never been shot and didn’t feel like finding out what it was like today.

“Alright, he’s still clean. Let the captain know that we’re on the way,” the one who had patted him down said.

His partner nodded and raised his arm, making a golden-like gauntlet form on it. Cameron jumped when he saw a real Omni-tool on his arm light up. He watched the man touch the hard light screen, and the screen moved and lit up from his touch. Not in the way a person would touch normal light, but rather as if they were touching the screen of a glowing keyboard. If there were any doubt that he had that this was some sort of prank then they were long gone.

“Follow us,” the guard on the right ordered, his voice low and menacing.

Cameron reluctantly followed the pair, not willing to test and see if the pair were as strong as they looked. He looked down the meticulously clean halls, looking for anything that would tell him where he was. There was no indication on the walls of what the rooms were, just the level that they were on. He wanted to believe that it was just there, and this wasn’t some base with multiple floors but sadly there was nothing for him to cling onto that told him otherwise.

As they walked, the hair that was on Cameron's body was diminishing below his eyebrows. His leg hair trimmed down and reduced with every second as the same happened to his arms. Even the batch of hair that was above his crotch wasn’t safe and got smaller with every passing second. Every little trace of hair that had been on it disappeared. The young man shuddered as his clothes felt increasingly wrong as if ants were crawling in them. The scars that he had on his body were cleaned over and replaced with fresh smooth skin as if those accidents had never happened in the first place. By the time the process had finished Cameron’s skin was left almost impossibly smooth and hairless that would have fitting for a model on the cover of a magazine if not a goddess.

Cameron hugged himself and then winced again from the feeling of the harsh fabric against his body. He pulled at his clothes, wondering what was wrong with them. Even his pants and shirt felt off.

Before Cameron could investigate further, another set of double doors opened on their own and Cameron winced from the light that entered the room. His eyes quickly adjusted and saw that they were walking on a raised platform with light coming through windows.

Cameron desperately looked for anything that could tell him where he was, but his mind shut down as he noticed what was out there. He could see the stars outside and for a moment thought it was just nighttime. What made him pause were the two moons off into the distance along with what seemed to be a planet. He jumped when he saw what could only be a spaceship fly by and stared as it went further off into the distance. Cameron pinched himself hoping that he would finally wake up from this nightmare but to a shock and horror, he was still there. That was all the proof that he needed to know for sure that he wasn’t on earth anymore.

“Oh my god I’m in space,” Cameron muttered, as he stood still.

“Quit gawking at the window,” the one on the right ordered and shoved him forward.

Cameron stumbled forward but was able to stop himself before he hit the ground. He slowly walked forward, his eyes still looking at the window that showed the space outside.

“You’d think that this guy had never been to space before,” the left one muttered.

‘Because I hadn’t,’ Cameron dimly thought, his mind still struggling to process the recent. He ran his hand through his hair, his heart feeling faint and wondering to every deity that he could how he hadn’t passed out yet.

Back when he was younger he had flights of fantasy of ending up in the final frontier. Of finding friendly aliens like Star Trek or something, and in his teenage years of possibly meeting the sexier kind of ladies. He grew out of those thoughts as he focused more on his life and what he wanted to do. Those thoughts of becoming a space explorer only fulfilled when he was playing games or watching a show. He didn’t think that he would be there in a prison cell.

Cameron tried to remember what had happened yesterday to see if it could shed some light on what happened. All he could remember was going through his day as he normally would. Went to work, dealing with boring customers, then going home and relaxing before he went to bed to rest up for whatever the next day would bring. There was not even something slightly odd about the day that he could recall.

He knew for sure that he had been at home resting after a tiring day at work. He had a nice full meal to help give him the energy that her would need to get through the day. Then he had just taken to gaming to pass the time until he went to bed.

As they walked to the room again, Cameron’s height diminished. He had always been relatively tall. It was as if with every step that he took, more of his stature disappeared. The wrongness that he felt in his clothes only got worse by their sudden looseness. His pants drooped the more his height reduced and the top of his shirt slouched over his shoulder.

“Something is wrong. What the hell did they do to me?” Cameron muttered. He hugged himself, hoping that he would be able to get some sort of answer soon.

“Nothing has been done to you yet, that depends on how questions go,” the one on the left replied gruffly.

Already his heart was pounding in his chest as if it was a hammer trying to break out of his body. He didn’t know what he would do if he learned that he had become the guinea pig for whatever horrible experiment they had in mind. The pair stopped in front of a room, and Cameron almost walked right into one of them.

“We’re here, get into the room,” the one who had patted him down said.

Cameron looked at the one who spoke and blinked when he noticed the sudden change in height. The changing boy looked at the other goon who brought him here and his jaw dropped when he saw that he was just as large if not even larger than his compatriot. They had always been big and towered over him, but now they seemed slightly taller. He would swear that the two of them weren’t this huge back when he first saw them, back then they had been roughly the same height. He wasn’t sure if it was the fear of the situation coming through or something else, but he didn’t like the sudden change.

“Hey he said to get in the room,” his friend said.

Before Cameron could say anything he was roughly shoved into the room. The changing boy stumbled forward but was able to quickly regain his balance before he fell.

The door slammed shut on him, making Cameron groan, and went over to one of the chairs in the room and sat down. He looked around the room and noticed that there was another camera in the corner of the room.

“Again with the fucking cameras,” Cameron muttered. He wanted nothing more than to smash the damn thing, but he was sure that if he did it would get him a thrashing at best, and a bullet to something at worst. Maybe even the head.

The young man breathed and his mind recalled how he had felt earlier. “Ok, let's try to see what is wrong with my body.”

He raised his arms to pull at his shirt, but then noticed the unusual cleanliness that they had. He looked his arms over and then raised his pants legs, and was surprised to see the same thing.

“So this is why my body has been feeling off,” Cameron grimaced. He ran his hands over the changed flesh and bristled at the soft velvety smooth feeling that it emitted. He pulled the front of his shirt, wondering if that had been changed as well, and was shocked to find the lack of any hair there. “Even my stomach and chest hair?”

Again he looked himself over and was terrified by the sudden change that was happening to his body. He pressed down on his body, still feeling fine, but knowing and willing to bet that there was more going on.

The light chocolate brown hair that he had darkened. The curls that he had since his youth evened out, lying flat against his scalp. With every second that passed, more of the brown color in it was replaced.

Cameron gulped as he sat there, wondering how much longer it would take before the person that was supposed to come would. This had to be some sort of tactic that they were employing. Something to soften him up so that he would be desperate for any sort of interaction by the time that they came to him. It was one that he might have employed if he was going to interrogate someone.

Something brushed against Camerojn’s ear, making him jump and swiftly turn, wondering if some sort of stealth infiltrator unit had emerged and was about to take him out. Only he didn’t see anyone there. He eyed the corner of the room as he felt something continue down his body, making him spam.

He felt something tickle the back of his neck and he quickly slapped where it was. To his surprise, he felt something soft there. He grabbed it and the softness that he felt from there only became greater. The young man rubbed it and gulped at the unexpected softness of it. If he had a lover he would have been nuzzled into it to feel that soft silky hair that would have driven some people mad with envy. So enraptured by it was that he almost didn’t notice the change that was happening to it.

As it gained more volume a new shine appeared in it. The new sheen it was gaining was getting as it changed, gaining a silkier and smoother appearance that would have garnered the attention of many. His hair finished billowing down when it had become a long wavy midnight black that now rested just above the mid-section of his back.

Cameron played with the new locks of black hair, an activity that he had done whenever his nerves were starting to get the better of him. It was strange not to feel any of the curl that he had for years, and it was softer than he was used to, but by no means was it bad. If anything he would have loved to have a blanket that rivaled it in such softness. Though that softness was proving to be a double-edged sword. He still managed to find some comfort in it though it wasn't as effective as it used to be due to his new hair.

“What the fuck,” Cameron muttered in terror.

He tried to make sense of the changes and where they were going. The sudden change to his body and hair was completely unnatural. He tried to recall if there were any procedures that could do something like this, but he couldn’t. His head spun the more he tried to process everything that was happening

The door opened and again, the changing brunette jumped as if a gunshot had gone off. He turned to his would-be interrogator and saw a gruff African man standing by the door. Just like the others, he was a larger guy dressed in the standard Cerberus uniform, but unlike the others, he wasn’t wearing a suit and had short sleeves, showing off the powerful arms that he had.

“Ahh so you are the one that we found,” the man said.

“Hello,” Cameron stammered, not sure what else to say or do in this situation.

“I just want to ask a couple of questions and depending on what I hear will determine what happens next,” the man stated.

The changing boy gulped and tried once again to steel his mind and think about what he could say that wouldn’t wind up with him being strapped down in a chair with something injected into his body or something worse. The man had the face and bearing of one who wouldn’t deal with anything that might annoy him and wondered if there was a way that he could appeal to him or make him see that he was being honest with him.

Cameron winced as a sudden pain hit his face. He breathed in and out trying to keep some veneer of calm. If he was nervous then he was sure that this man and those under and above him would smell it like piranhas. The sudden small pulling pain only got worse as more time passed and the boy winced.

He twitched as his lips curled in unease as everything about his face suddenly felt off as if nothing was fitting right. The effeminate black-haired boy rubbed his jaw and blinked at the sudden roundness it had. His cheekbones felt higher and his jaw felt that way as well. He blinked and recoiled as if something had just gone up his nose. He breathed heavier and looked around, still wondering if there were some infiltrators in the room. His lips felt cold as they swelled in size becoming soft plump kissable lips. He licked and bit down on them, trying to get the life that was in them back.

Cameron ran his hand down his face and was surprised to feel that his nose was different as well. Everything about his face felt different. The fear and trepidation in his part renewed and he wanted nothing more than to find out what his face looked like now.

There wasn’t a mirror in the room, and Cameron’s desperation to find one grew as he wondered what he looked like.

The man blinked and leaned forward, looking at him closely, making Cameron instinctively lean back. He was too afraid to trust his voice right now, knowing that it would let his emotions break and reveal just how terrified he was right now. After a moment the man’s eyes widened and he all but launched out of his seat, making the changing boy yelp in shock.

“Jesus Christ I can’t believe that they kept you locked up and treated you like a criminal,” the man said as his hands curled.

Cameron blinked. It was such a stark contrast from what he had been expecting that his mind couldn’t help but lock up as if someone completely naked ran by shouting random gibberish. He blinked and opened and closed his mouth as he tried to find the right words

“What?” Cameron questioned.

“There appears to have been a mix-up, some new guards or something that made them think that you were someone else I guess. I’m sorry if there have been any problems. They didn’t cause any issues, did they?”

“No…there don’t need to be any issues,” Cameron replied slowly. “No harm no foul.”

“That’s a relief to hear,” the soldier replied with palpable relief. “Well sorry for the confusion ma’am.

“Ma’am?” Cameron muttered as he studied the man’s face. The more he studied, the more Cameron swore that the soldier was afraid of him as if he was a terminator with a Gatling gun pointed at his junk.

There was something that he could do for him, something that would help put his heart at ease or make it rage harder depending on the answer that he got. Cameron didn’t want to ask, fearful of what might happen if he did. Yet he had to know if that was true or not. If he didn’t then he would just wonder this whole time if they had done something or not and then he would get nowhere. The changing boy gathered his courage.

“One last thing, did you or anyone here do anything to me?” Cameron hesitantly questioned, fearful of what he might hear.

The man blinked and then looked at him with wide eyes. His jaw dropped into one of abject horror and said, his voice almost quivering. “No, nobody here should have done anything to you. Has there been something to make you think so?”

Cameron gaped, not sure what to say for a moment. His jaw dropped and his head throbbed in pain from the suddenness of it all. A slight groan came from him, but he forced everything down in his stomach as best he could. In his best commanding voice, he ordered awkwardly. “No, carry on. Feel free to go back to your duties. ”

The man saluted him and then quickly went to the door. Cameron watched the door open and then close behind the soldier, but Cameron didn’t leave just yet. He waited to see if anything would happen like gas coming through the ceiling or if some soldiers would suddenly burst through the door and force him down to the ground before they bashed his head in or something just as terrible.

After a bit of time, the young man slowly stepped out of the room, still wondering if this was some sort of scheme to make him lower his guard for whatever they were going to do next. Just the sudden flip of it all felt so wrong to him as if he was going to step into an enemy trap if he wasn’t careful. After finding himself in space of all places and treating him like a criminal, only to suddenly tell him that nothing was wrong. It seemed too ludicrous.

“Then again the same could be said about anything else that has been going on lately,” Cameron muttered.

This could be the one chance that he needed to know where he was. Since he could explore the place without any worry he had to take advantage of it while he could. Maybe he could find a weapon or a way out of this place. Either one would be a boon to him that would help him out immensely. Especially if he could find a spare Omni-tool to use and credits as well. He wouldn’t be able to get far without having some resources to call on. He looked down the halls and saw one member of the crew.

“Don’t be a chicken shit now,” Cameron told himself as he walked down the hall, trying to act as casual as he could. “Get moving before whatever made them lighten up passes.”

As Cameron walked around his legs felt like cold water was being poured on them as they changed. His feet felt like they had stepped into mud, making his face twitch as he moved them around in the shoes that he was weaning. He stumbled for a moment as the cool watery feeling only intensified. He rolled his feet around as if he was trying to get a cramp in them.

As he did, he noticed that they felt slightly smaller than they did on the cold floor. Cameron hesitantly looked down and sighed at the smaller feet that they had. He pulled up the legs of his pajama pants and frowned as they thinned down. He pressed them and was pleasantly surprised to feel a well-defined tone in his calves.

His thighs swelled as if some of the lost mass was returning there, making his pants tighter. He could feel his underwear ride up against his legs, making him shudder as if someone was teasing him. His swelling thighs mushed his privates between them, making him wince. It felt like they were being forced against two big rocks that were only getting shoved closer together. There was only a slight bit of jiggle in them that made it more comfortable and bearable, but it wasn’t enough to compensate.

Cameron’s eyes bulge even wider at the thicker thighs that he was sporting now. He pressed down and marveled at the toned softness that they had. These weren’t the kind of legs that a guy could ever get normally. With the sexy curvature that they had now the first thing that he thought of was that they would have been sexy if they were on a woman. The delicious plump thighs gave him an almost bottom-heavy appearance were it not for the lack of a gut that he had and how slender everywhere else he was.

Cameron frowned. He had never been especially overweight, but with the way that his thighs were looking now, he couldn’t help but feel as if he did. Still, there was one thought in the back of his head that prevented him from freaking out more than he already was.

“What will happen next?” Cameron muttered.

The effeminate boy frowned as he quickened his pace, simply walking and letting his legs take him wherever. Cameron stopped when he seemed to have entered a gun range-looking area.

“Wait,” Cameron muttered. For some reason, the place looked…familiar. The more that he thought about this place the more he could remember as if he had walked these halls before. He walked down the hall. He turned the corner, and then went down until he found the armory.

There was a small little keypad on the door, and Cameron sighed as he was about to give up, but a number flashed in his mind. He raised his hand and pressed down on the buttons, inputting the number. The moment he put in the last digit he stopped as the door opened.

“Why do I know this?” Cameron gulped and entered the area.

The changing man’s jaw dropped when he saw dozens of weapons spread throughout the room, and ammunition to match. He recognized many of the weapons here and recalled some of the stuff about them. The SMGs, assault rifles, shotguns, pistols, and more. The only thing that he noticed wasn’t here were heavy weapons like a rocket launcher or a minigun.

He didn’t want to accidentally vent himself out. Using such heavy weapons was dangerous inside of a space station like this. It could upset the machinery that kept it in place or cause a problem with the pressure inside. Besides, he wouldn't be foolish enough to use a weapon that he wasn’t proficient in.

Cameron grabbed one f the pistols, a Phalanx, and looked it over, admiring it and studying it intently. It looked just like it had in the game. It was heavier than he expected, but he could manage it. The more he studied the unknown weapon the more he was able to recall facts about it, even though he had never bothered to look at the lore for the weapon and focused more on the stats and power that it had.

Cameron blinked at the thought before shoving it away again. He was getting worried about the strange thoughts. First, he was able to tell where the armory and gun range were in the base and now he knew information about the weaponry that he shouldn’t have.

“Ok think about your past, Cam,” Cameron told himself, hoping that it would be enough and alleviate some of the fears that he had at the moment.

Thankfully, he could still recall who he was, but now it was as if there was something else in his head as well. New information about how to take it apart and put it back together again. The worst part of it was that he knew that he could do it. If he wanted to take the time he could take the weapon apart without any issue, as if he had practiced doing so, dozens if not hundreds of times.

He grabbed one of the magazines and with the ease of an expert who had years of training he was able to load it. The worst part of it was how natural it felt holding the weapon and aiming down the sights as if he had done this for years. He relaxed and looked at the weapon again.

“This is…worrisome,” the young man gulped and then frowned at the odd word choice. He wanted to curse and yet that had come out instead.

“This is so weird,” Cameron admitted. Still, he was grateful for the new knowledge at least. It gave him a better understanding of what he was using and how it stacked up the rest of the weapons in the facility.

The young man grabbed one of the pistols on the wall as his hands changed next. His hands curled and uncurled around the handle of the weapon, getting a feel and understanding. He raised it and pointed down the range. Cameron noticed the change and bit on his fuller lips, gripping the weapon that he was holding.

He loaded the gun with a clip of ammo and went to the nearest range. The changing man knew that he should be running to find the nearest way off of this damn rock, but with the ease that he moved and held the weapon, he had to see if he had the skills to use this weapon with proficiency as well. For all, he knew those skills would make all the difference if he was in a fight later.

Cameron raised the gun to the targets and breathed in and out. He had heard over the years what a person should do when they were going to use a gun, and put it all into practice now. He pressed the button and waited for the first target to happen. He could feel every nerve in his body steel as he braced himself for the next part.

The moment it came up, Cameron fired, missing on the first shot and managing to nail it on the second one in the shoulder. Cameron gulped, not trying to let it get the better of him. Another target came up and he quickly turned and fired, this time managing to nail it with two out of three shots. Cameron grinned as the next target came up and fired again, this time managing to nail all of the shots on it.

The more Cameron fired the easier it came to him. His arms got slimmer as if every round fired was shaving off a bit of mass off his arms. The flab and jiggle that they had reduced as they tightened. His arms kept getting slimmer with every round fired and he was forced to adjust his grip and posture with every shot. The bounce that came from his biceps reduced as they slimmed and strengthened. When he was forced to reload, the changes to his arms had finished and he was left with slim womanly trained arms that would have surprised many.

After reloading, Cameron kept firing at the new targets that kept appearing and he kept nailing his target, getting closer to the center of the heart or the head. He smirked at the development, somewhat glad, even if he was a little unnerved by it.

When he finished, Cameron grinned at how well he had done. He looked at the barrel of the gun and blew it down as if he was a cowboy. Then he folded the weapon up and placed it on his side.

Well if he had to get into a gunfight then he was more than able to handle himself, though he would rather avoid that possibility. There was no telling if he would be able to keep himself together if a fight were to break out and he did end up killing people.

“Now what do I do now that I’m packing some heat?” Cameron muttered. He would need supplies and better clothing if he was going to get out of here.

His stomach let out a growl that made the transforming brunette blush and groaned. His stomach ached in pain as if someone had just slugged him in the gut. Cameron winced and held it as he continued to walk, letting his new instincts take him where they had in mind.

Cameron groaned as his gut suddenly ached further as if he had eaten a bunch of spicy food. It let out a low gurgle and he winced as he held his gut, trying to alleviate the pain coming from there. It did nothing to help and tried to keep calm, but he couldn’t help but be further discomforted, a feeling in the back of his skull telling him that things were about to get even more intense for him.

The womanly-looking man pressed on his stomach and blinked when his fingers went in slightly less than they should have had mere moments ago. Cameron raised his shirt and was shocked to see his stomach getting smaller. The pudginess of his mid-section was getting smaller with every second and was being replaced with a trim-toned stomach.

He didn’t have long to comprehend it as the sides of his body caved inward making him feel as if he had just been roughly grabbed. He brought his hands down here as if it would protect him from whatever threat is happening to him. He kept rubbing them, breathing calmly through his nose as his core continued to refine and get smaller

With every second that passed, Cameron felt as if he had gotten stronger. More of the flesh being compacted and forced to his gut, which somehow still didn’t rise despite being the center point for all that was happening there. He winced and breathed as he continued to knead the area, wondering how long it would be.

Right when it finished, Cameron removed his hands from his body and observed his new frame. His altered stomach already looked nice, but now it looked like it could have belonged to a fitness model with how his waist complimented it. It also complimented the thick thighs that he had, making Cameron frown. If this was a model then they would have been nothing short of a knockout. Now that he was left with a small tantalizing slender waist, Cameron wasn’t sure how he should feel about the whole situation.

“I need some new clothes, if I don’t soon I’m going to run through this damn place naked,” Cameron muttered as he let his legs lead him to wherever would fulfill his needs.

As Cameron walked, his hips swayed a little further out as he walked. He stopped for a moment and sighed as he looked down, already knowing what was going on down there. Just as he expected his hips were getting wider, straining his pants more than they already were. He breathed through his nose, trying to keep calm. He adjusted his legs so that they felt a little more natural. He tried to prevent the unintentional rolling of his hips that was going on down there, but it wouldn’t stop. It only got worse as they got wider and they finished growing when they become noticeable hips that would draw many eyes to his prominent lower body.

“If it wasn't for the muscle and slenderness of my limbs I swear that I’m getting fat,” Cameron spat as he entered the room that felt natural to him.

The young man entered the room and looked around. He could see a terminal there along with a closet and bed. There wasn’t anything in terms of personal possessions, not that it was an issue. He went to the closet and opened it, hoping that there would be clothes in there he could use and stopped when he saw familiar black and white spandex hexagonal patterned jumpsuits.

“This almost looks like Miranda’s outfit,” Cameron muttered. He tossed it to the side and stepped into the bathroom, wondering what he looked like now. He jumped when he saw his face in the mirror. Instead of his manly face was one that looked fitting for an Australian beauty, especially with the sharp cheekbones that she had.

“I look like Miranda,” Cameron muttered. He traced his face and curves again. “Am I becoming Miranda?”

It would make sense with how curvy his lower body was even if he didn’t have her rear, arguably her most well-known trait. It was little comfort, but at least he knew what was happening to him.

Cameron looked back at the jumpsuit that he had pulled out and then down at his clothes. It would look more natural and less suspicious than if he wore something else. It would be weird to wear, especially since it would be a silent implication that he was accepting of his new role, but it beat possibly showing everything off.

Reluctantly, Cameron went back to the jumpsuit and slipped it on. The young man couldn't believe that he was wearing something like this and yet it felt oddly fitting as if he had worn this before. He tugged on the suit, wincing as the cold stretchy fabric moved across his feminine frame. Even when it wasn’t fully zipped up and over his body it felt tight, as if it was saran wrap wrapped around him. It felt especially tight across the chest, butt, thighs, and other places. He blushed as he observed the crotch area of the suit. There was a large noticeable lump there that showed the outline of his privates started to get smaller, making him blush.

Suddenly, Cameron could feel everything between his legs be sucked on. He could see the hill that was his boys receded as if it was a balloon being slowly deflated. The sticky stretchy fabric continued to hold and caress his boys making him wince at how it felt like someone was pinching his balls. Everything about it was so tender that he didn’t want to touch it. He clenched his changing privates tighter as if saying one final goodbye to everything that was down there as it inverted.

Cameron placed her hands down on his crotch and gulped. There was no trace of his old equipment there, just a flat area. There wasn’t any trace of what had been there before to her dismay. It was as if she had always been born a girl.

Again, Cameron could recall the memories of Miranda Lawson and all that she had been through with greater ease. The more she thought about them, the easier it was to recall them. The finer details instead of the broad strokes that she could previously.

“Uhhh!” Cameron groaned as another wave of heat went through her body made her stumble. She twitched and looked down as her throat burned as if she hadn’t had a good drink in a long while. She placed her hand on it and could feel her adam’s apple getting smaller as her throat changed.

“Fuck,” she croaked, her voice coming out higher in pitch than she would have liked. The young woman blinked at the changed voice that came out of it. She had accepted the fact that she was getting close to becoming her in body, and partially in mind with how she had her memories, especially now that she was even wearing her clothes. “This is just fucking great. I am becoming her entirely.”

She blinked when she noticed that a strange sensation in her front. She gently moved her chest from side to side and blushed- she had a feeling she knew what was coming next. As if it a bomb that had been placed, her pecs started inflating like a pair of balloons, the front of her suit drawing snug as she acquired the curves the suit was designed to fit.

“This is….fuck,” Cameron groaned as she moved her hands away. She watched as they grew, her bodysuit showing only the slightest bit of her exposed cleavage as if it was teasing her. Her breasts finished growing when they became a perfect D-cup that were just as large as apples.

“Well holy shit,” Cameron muttered. “I have to admit I wouldn’t have liked having my own set of these but… I guess it can’t be so bad.

The young woman blushed again as the back of her suit started to dig into her body. As if a pump had been shoved into her bottom cheeks they started to inflate. They grew larger, making the back of her suit draw tighter as it grew.

When it was over, Cameron licked her lips as she studied her goddess-like rear end. To simply put it here, her buttocks were impressive, a rear-end that stood out behind her like a shelf. It would be impossible for her to go anywhere without having even a slight seductive bounce in that area.

“Damn the games didn’t do this thing justice at all, ”Cameron laughed, suddenly feeling less embarrassed.

“Ok, now that I am Miranda Lawson what should I do?” Cameron pondered. She didn’t have many options now that she had become her. If she tried running then Cerberus would hunt her down and then kill her. Then again if that soldier from earlier was any indication as far as the rest of this universe was concerned she was Miranda Lawson, especially if the memories of that asshole of a CEO were any indication.

“Well might as well play along,” Cameron, or rather Miranda muttered as she looked down at the SMG. She then raised the other and the purplish-blue light came over it making her grin. Ok, so she did have her biotics as well. Good, she would need every edge if she was going to get out of this shit mire in one piece. Besides Miranda without her biotics would be like a gun without a trigger. Just not right.

Shepherd was her best damn bet of getting through this in one piece and she would be damned if she wasn’t ready for when the Reapers and the collectors came.


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