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Dear Ms. Jessica,

We have seen instances of objects, such as mutagen, causing mutations in unnatural ways. Are there mutants that can cause mutations in unnatural ways? If so, what is done to contain them?

An astute observation. Yes, there are substances, such as mutagen, that can induce mutation, even in people who do not have the mutant gene! However, mutagen is heavily controlled by the world’s governments and, as of now, is not available legally in any country that I know of.

As for mutants that can cause mutations, yes there are. In fact, mutations that are a result of abusing mutagen have a greater chance of producing a sort of natural mutagen from their body. This is, of course, a hazard. Mutants that can cause others to mutate just from their touch have a chance of truly disrupting society, or at the very least, causing some unfortunate mutations in unwanted circumstances.

The way Port Solei’s laws are structured is as such. If a mutant has the ability to cause others to mutate, then they simply must not do so. Premeditated, forced, non-consensual mutation is a crime. If, however, a mutant is unaware of this ability and causes someone to mutate, that is not considered a crime and is overlooked by the courts, as long as the mutant in question receives treatment and training to control their mutagenic abilities.

Repeat offenses, however, are looked at differently, even if accidental. If a mutant with a mutagenic ability continues to cause mutations in others, even by accident, then they may be deemed a mutagenic threat. At which point, they will be asked to transfer to a community with similar mutants, where they can get the help they need to prevent creating non-consensual spontaneous mutations.

Note, technically consensually mutating another person is also a crime. It is far too dangerous on a genetic level to simply be allowed to happen with no repercussions. However, there is no effective way to police this. Remember, we do not make testing for the mutant gene mandatory. That would be an invasion of privacy. So there are some mutants that run back alley mutation clinics, usually with some criminal ties. They will advertise things such as “change your life with a kiss” if, say, they have mutagenic saliva. Then they will invite people who want to be mutated in and change them… for a fee.

This is all illegal, but is largely untraceable. If someone mutates themselves using one of these services, the only way we will know is if they come forth and testify against them. And while some have, especially when the mutation they received was not the one they expected (mutants, like mutagen, rarely have the ability to CHOOSE what mutations they grant to others) testimony like this is matter of public record and by the time these clinics are investigated, they are long gone.

So in short, yes, there are some mutants that can change others, but they are required to not use this ability in order to operate legally within society.

Which can sometimes be complicated if say, your skins natural oils or sweat are mutagenic.



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