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Cool Nasa Stuff, and Procedural!

Sort of a continuation of the "Lighting in Space" video from last month!

Here's the blend file of the procedural version I made in the video, if anyone wants to use it for anything!

Here's the "scrolling signs" tutorial I mentioned for the gauges (a lot of good stuff in that one!).

And here's the NASA star maps!





Ian you are a star


If you're not familiar with Noseybonk, I suggest doing a YouTube search and then feeling horrified about what you saw in the stars.


What i always love to do with the bright star texture is multiplying it with the color output of a noise texture. Maybe up the saturation a bit and fast linear offset the noise, so it looks like they are flickering a bit.


This was excellent. I have an older scene where I've never been happy with my generated star field - this is way better. Thanks!


I’d look into Space Engine, the most realistic universe/space simulator out there. You can also import models and animate them in it. And there’s a pro DLC that allows you to use the stuff for commercial reasons.


That last bit with the noise in the mapping coordinates was EXACTLY the result/control I was hoping for during the earlier bit. How to muddle up and curve the band. Wouldn't have figured that out without a ton of noodling. That was great. Ty!


My favorite technique for breaking up procedural textures is to modify the input vector by mixing in a noise texture with a Mix node set to Linear Light. Erindale has a good video on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zmhsVqBwTg&t=1179s


lol, does your default cube have a "Butt"?!?


Using a super clamped noise texture instead of a voronoi can look a bit less procedural for the really dense stars.


or boobs??? -> https://twitter.com/Mrdodobird/status/1494151228854398976


in the linked video there is no mention about how to make the moving neon cube...:-( I like so much this effect.


Well ok it is not a 3d cube..:-) You called it meters or digital gain in your video. What kind of texture are you using for this effect. I didn’t really understand the way you are doing it. I looked in the linked video and tried to think about how to apply it to the meters. maybe it was to early in the morning :..:-)


That sweatshirt is amazing.


SPACE STUFF?? Can't believe I missed this post ahahaha.