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With an emphasis on supporting kitbashy workflow. A few folks have said they wouldn't mind this video, so here we go!  The Asset Browser is a huge time saver, and it's something I've been missing since using Bryce3d 20 years ago :P


Introduction to the Asset Browser

With an emphasis on supporting kitbashy workflow. A few folks have said they wouldn't mind this video, so here we go! The Asset Browser is a huge time saver, and it's something I've been missing since using Bryce3d 20 years ago :P



i keep making categories in "current file" then save said file in my main asset library folder (witch i put on another drive) all my assets show up but not any of the categories i created and when i try to create them and add the stuff back in it says i have to do that from within the "current file" so i'm not allowed to organize


I was already going to create separate folders for materials and objects and so on but now it seems i'm going to have to break them down even more just so I can find things


ok new version of blender fixed it


you can add multiple OBJ's at a time with the True-Assets addon!


awesome video many thanks. happy patron here!


the polyhaven addon works wonder with all of this, just drag and drop the HDRI and textures, right now I am gathering all the assets by you and making a library out of it.


is it possible to show the pipeline between blender and DaVinci resolve as in compositing and final grade...


Hey there Ian! I know you are a busy man so i will try to say this as short possible to not waste your time! I noticed that you might have a bunch of scans that you could need to get cleaned up. Im in a tough spot moneywise these days, living in Denmark, and since i have a bunch of experience with cleaning scans the way you also do it, i was wondering if that is something i maybe could do for you and earn a bit? If you have anything else i could do im open to suggestions! I do have a passion (and quite a lot of experience) with blender/photogrammetry/3D envoirnment! Thanks for taking your time to read this, even if there is no way for you to help me out <3


I think this is exactly what you're looking for, it makes batch creation of assets easy (even SBSAR materials). Best of all, it's free! https://blenderartists.org/t/assetlibrarytools-free-addon-to-speed-up-the-creation-of-blender-3-0-asset-browser-libraries/1317385


This is so sick man! Thank you!


That default cube had me in a trance...


Man, I'd kill for a downloadable version of your asset library. I know we can pick through your pateron backlog and download a lot of them, but that's a decent amount of work.


if you link in an asset, you can select the object and go to the object menu->relations->make library override to be able to move the transform data of the asset in your scene without having to jump back to the original blend file. Works with rigs as well. Very useful workflow. Only downside is you wouldn't be able to edit the mesh, but great for making files lighter.