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SO this isn't the MOST organized file ever (it's made of pieces I made without ever really considering the fact that I might be sharing them one day, so texture names and such are a little nonsense)- but I've tried to optimize it a little! Personally I just import the whole thing and delete stuff I don't need.

Also aesthetically, this stuff blends really nicely with the hardware greebles.

They're all designed to be used in a POV cockpit type situation, so only some of them also hold up from the back, but they're supposed to be mounted to a wall or dashboard anyways, so hopefully that's fine.

At some point I'd love to do a proper collection of stuff you might find in some laboratory- spectrum analyzers and such- but until then there's some nice random "tech bits" in here.  

Also- let me know how important/useful it is for folks if I go in and label every single object. I know it can make it easier to import and navigate the projects, so it's probably a good idea from an organization standpoint, but it's also exactly the type of work I like avoiding (mostly just cause I hate having to decide, "is this a module003, doodad001, or a random electrical box011?")

I've got some textures.com images in there for glass grime and such, but most of them are from Photobash.org, which has a refreshingly accommodating TOS, and some particularly useful image packs. 

DOWNLOAD (right click, save as):

Blender Version
FBX version (not as great of materials, unfortunately)



It's 2:40 am here in Italy! (I had just gone to bed) Patreon notification: exciting New Assets From Ian! my mind: there is no time to sleep!


Haha, what's that "sexual tension" meter for?!? Amazing collection, thank you for uploading these. My mind is going wild with ideas. Best Patreon subscription ever, seriously!


This looks amazing. Great learnings for doing more realistic, worn displays!


Heh, it's a random reference to the first Dynamo episode I put out back in 2012. Also ahh! That's awesome! Stoked to see what you do with them! :D


Amazing. Thanks.


friggin incredible. Thank you Ian!


Wow! You are just amazing man. Thank you!


Super cool man! Thanks for these. Any chance you could record a video that details your approach to modeling the more hard-surface type stuff in here?


These are soooooooooo good I wanna cry (of joy) 😂 Thanks a lot!

Jan van den Hemel

Awesome. By the way I'll never get tired of watching you model stuff like this, so if you're ever straining for ideas, don't worry about just doing the same stuff. I'm sure I'm not just speaking for myself.


Oh, yeah! I suspect I've talked about a lot of it before (the link below covers a bunch of it, if you haven't already seen it), but I have some stuff I'm particularly excited to model here in the near future- I'll make a video of it! https://www.patreon.com/posts/tutorial-little-40621130


Very cool, Ian! Thanks. I kept thinking i have to finish mine for my spaceship cockpit, but i'm not sure if i have to choose a more mechanical (like your) style or a more tech one.


Yeah, can we get a peek at the footage you uploaded to instagram of you modeling the doodads? Just timelapses are great if you can't be bothered talking over them.


Oh sweet! And hah! Yeah, I probably err a bit too mechanical sometimes; I just love it so much.


Hey Ian, thanks for the great assets! If you need some help naming yer greebles in asset files I would be happy to assist. Seems a waste of your time to put many hours in those trivial tasks. Better for everyone if you can spend your time on making the magic. Let me know if I can help you out. Daan


Absolutely cracker stuff Ian! Thanks for sharing!


Cheers fella! Thanks for sharing


This is the kind of shit I love. Thank you, very usable, especially for building upon or getting inspiration! Practical stuff. Like, controls show you how things are, well, controlled in technology of a different world. Love this so much! Thanks! You should try designing some more alien controls or alien technology sometime, but still make it possible for people to discern what it is for, or have at least some kind of explanation of what it is! I always wondered what a more advanced alien civilization would have in their ship that advanced humans wouldn't have. Not awfully more advanced, but still considerably, so we don't run into the problem of "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." And how their anatomy and physiology would dictate what the controls of such tech is like.


This is such great assets! Don't bother with labeling and organizing the assets. We just want a pile of stuff to play with. Haha!


Ahahaha! Excellent! "Pile" is a great way of putting it. I usually just import a bunch of assets into a project file like dumping all the legos on the floor, hahaha


YOOO Thank you!!


I remember seeing your video of the cockpit and thinking, man that would be so cool to have those assets lol Thanks Ian! You're the best :)


great ! thanks a lot that's amazing ! Nice "Sexual tension" gauge btw ;) Funny how we can't see this kind of details, that's only when I was trying to imagine a close shot with the assets that I saw that !


I'm pretty sure that gauge is used in an early Dynamo episode, very appropriately in the scene with the writing, I remember cracking up at it. Might not be the exact same gauge, would be cool though! Goes to show how recyclable these kinds of assets are! EDIT: https://youtu.be/Sb6AqhT9quA?t=379 right around 06:19