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Halfway through August!! wooo! Finally getting a 95 degree day tomorrow, I'm ready for it.

It's wild to me that August is the cold month for you folks in the southern hemisphere. August=Heat is just burned into my head.

You know what else is wild? MAGELLANIC CLOUDS! Two dwarf galaxies orbiting the milky way that folks in the southern hemisphere CAN SEE WITH THEIR EYES. Like, I love space n' stuff, and I was like 27 before I knew these things existed!  (The best we have up north is the Andromeda Galaxy, visible as a delightful little smudge off the elbow of Cassiopeia).

But I was at a birthday and a gal was doing astrology, and saying, "[astrology stuff] ...because of Andromeda, the closest galaxy to the Milky Way" and oh man Kaitlin had to fight to hard to keep me from talking about these MAGELLANIC CLOUDS.   


HOT damn.   

How many Satellite Galaxies do you think the Milky Way has? I'll give you a hint: it rhymes with Nifty and starts with an F.  Dude it'd be rad to make a space opera that takes place in a magellanic cloud.   I like it when they talk about galaxies "colliding" cause it's colliding in the same way, like, a swarm of gnats or clouds collide; they don't explode, it's just a bigger friggin' gnat ball, now. 


I'm really happy with this first HyperBole shot (downloadable high res version if you wannnnnt). It was mostly just the platform for assembling a bunch of assets, and there's a lot I'd probably do differently, but I think I gotta move on (or at least, put it on hold until I've done a bunch of other shots, then maybe update it with techniques/assets I figure out over the next few weeks?)

The big thing bugging me is the main character of this shot- one of the first photoscans I ever did (with Sam Lazarus, thanks man!), so I still had a lot to learn, and the clothes definitely look like a stretchy little jpeg. Like, it's fine, but... I think it's definitely the weakest part of the shot. I've been considering adding a TGTB&TU Eastwood Poncho with a cloth sim over the top just to try to sell it... we'll see.

But I figured out some really useful things involving working with mocap and IK to kind of clean up/control the mocap really easily in post. I'll make a video about it soon! 

The background is just 10,000 of the low-poly-scanned folks. Normally my scenes are fairly lightweight, but I think with all the sims and geometry and all that this might end up fairly hefty, hahaha!

Also made this revolver for the Ranger Razor. Not that we'll ever see it because if we did then I'd also have to properly figure out hannnnnds.  I haven't modeled a gun in ages. I like the illusion of the etched detailing- it's just a picture of a different highly embellished antique gun, set as a bump map.  (Also, I thought I was being all wacky with this gun, but it's already been done (because everything's been done with guns)). 

Also modeled the Hyperball last night- you can't tell in this picture but it's really articulated- lots of little moving bits. This is it in Egg form. I think it's basically just going to try to attack everyone. The Players want to get the Hyperball because they need it to win. The Hyperball wants to get the players because it wants to Hurt Them. 





Awesome! Gun twirl made me think of this https://youtu.be/iIXVi0vAlO0


Ahahahaha, that's so good. Also- I couldn't figure out the right axis for the gun twirl so it's just going EVERY which way.


Wow! Very cool:)


I LOVE SPACE STUFF. And all of this is so cool, love the wall reflection you have as you are skimming along the track. So excited!


The Hyperball, where everyone is hated equally


BLAKE as soon as this nonsense is over we need to go places Where Stars Are Visible (Olympic Peninsula, Banks Lake) and do some Proper Star Shenanigans. A few weeks ago, during the night of a full moon, Kaitlin and I were camped on top of a cliff watching the stars come out, and JUST as dusk hit clouds flew in and hid the view for the rest of the night. So irked. Also! I super want to build a VLF antenna and listen to auroras and meteors and such! ALSO YES! I hadn't really realized until I started the render that you'd be able to see the folks in the reflection; I kind of want to amp it up, now (I toned it down at first cause I figured I wanted to show off the crowd, haha)


Oh wow! That turned out way better than I imagined (left handed compliment I know) but Maaaan that is sweet how you have the guy leaning back and forth along with steering like a motor boat!! It makes those rockets or whatever those vehicles are, look super fun to ride. I predict someone will either license this from you to make a game, or someone will just slightly change things and call it their own idea. Either way, I bet it’ll be a game someday. You are SO inspiring, Ian. Keep up the great work!


Oh man I could read long tangents about how cool space is ANY day of the week :)


Ian! This is totally outrageous - in an awesome way!


Epic !!!


This is friggin epic!!! Also, that is one snug cowboy hat 🤓. Man i want a full feature film of this. Happy to support these projects!


Ah! Thanks so much, Jeff! Yeah it turned out better than I imagined, too, hahaha! I was hoping to just bash this out, but now I think I gotta spend time on it. Man I HOPE someone steals this and turns it into a game- although at the same time, it's mostly just one of those things you can't describe without referencing a bunch of other stuff (kind of by design?) kind of Podracing/Quidditch/SpeedRacer/Motorball/Redline/Gladiators/Football-But-With-Guns.


It's electromagnetically attached to plates in his skull! Also gives him an uncanny pigeon-like sense of direction. Man, it'd be so fun to do another feature some day. I feel like every time I got an opportunity I always took it so seriously, and it'd be great to just try to make something as over-the-top as possible.


Dude, Ian, I live in the Tacoma/Puyallup area and it's gonna get up to 99° tomorrow. I wish you luck with plenty of air conditioning and cool renders.


Fricken awesome. It's missing sharks with lasers but otherwise amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


How would you go for scaling on a place like this? Are you doing life size? Is there an easy way to work that moving backdrop effect?so you don’t have to model 100km road.


Hot Dang! That loop n swoop was sexy!


Ian, you are a one-man army ..... I really want to collaborate with you one day surely...


I think I'm basically to scale, yeah (each blender unit being a meter). Ooo -there are LOTS of ways to deal with that, yeah! I have a mix of arrays and such going on, and if I were really smart about it I'd just mix that with a curve modifier to easily shape the track howerever I wanted. This shot wasn't really designed beforehand- I kind of made it up as I went, so I ended up just having a straightaway. Actually- the environment is moving in this shot; everything's parented to the road. That way I could animate all the racers in relative space instead of having to move my view all the time. Becomes more complicated with a more complex-shaped track, but it worked alright for this shot.

Maxime Gérardin

This hyperbole race is sponsored by Dr. Lemurs fresh energetic soda!


That’s really great! , kind of off topic question, how you don’t lose motive when working on big projects? I started to lose motivation for my project and that really make it hard to finish, any ideas?


AHHHHHH I loved this space rant! Now I don't know whether you've read it, but this Hyperbole sequence and infact a lot of the over-the-top stuff you've made lately sounds something straight out of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy! It's got a wonderfully ditzy and surreal feel to it and sometimes I feel certain that if Douglas Adams were alive he'd be a Dynamo fan. Have you read the books? If not, you'd absolutely love them


My first instinct was "Jesus, you need to calm down", but actually on reflection I think you need to un-calm up and keep going as haywire as possible.


Imagine a mario kart game but Hyperbole


whattt. this is soooo dope!


amazing, Ian!!!


awesome worldbuilding! A ball that wants to KILL you but which you need to win. So once you grab it, it's a struggle against it and other people? What does it try to do to you while you have your hane on it? Cut you with razors? Burn you? Incinerate with plasma? Fly off dragging you with it? So many possibilities. It's like the Golden Snitch with the mind of a Bludgers, right? What's its size?


Only 60% nuclear radiation contamination from the fact that the water's pumped up from the Dustlands! That's less than the 61% of our rival brand, Uran Cola! Quit monkeying - um, lemuring - about and get Dr Lemurs' new, fresh soft drink!


This is great Ian. Thank you.


How do you handle doing large background stadiums? I’ve always had difficulty dealing with the scale of some of my scenes.


Never mind I literally just saw a comment with the same question


Best 7 bucks spent in my life


It's like if the snitch was also a bludger

Kai Christensen

Unrelated, but just came across a pretty neat technique for extending the whole "fake volumetrics" ideology by using cloud-textured translucent planes with some AO and Camera Data node magic to make it so the camera can actually fly SMOOTHLY through these planes without there being a clipping moment or hard transition. Suuuper cool, I'll link to it here: https://youtu.be/KePPSKwBok0

Kai Christensen

(The AO node is so you can put it anywhere in the scene too, even intersecting other scene geometry, without any hard edges [it makes the plane fade away as it gets closer to geometry])

Kai Christensen

I couldn't agree with you more. Like honestly the sheer amount I've learned... the insane things that are within my reach as an amateur now-- I can't even begin to express how cool all this stuff is!!!

Kai Christensen

I just started watching the next tutorial in the series by the same guy, and he explains how to make it work in Eevee, too!


Figure me if you've answered this before, but what is your system and how long did this render take? Thanks!


that incredible


i cant believe how cool this is!! you are a wizard. best patreon ever


Oh! err- I guess for me it just doesn't really "count" until it's officially released. Everything I work on gets put behind a dam, and I consider the release the "breaking" of the dam? So it always feels good to know I have stuff kind of stockpiled. One thing I've found is that stuff evaporates, though, if I have it stockpiled for a few years, it becomes a bit irrelevant, still trying to figure that out :P Also there's always tiny little specific problems/projects to solve, each SHOT is its own project, really, with the Final Meta Total project waiting for the end as a nice reward? The biggest thing I think is always making sure there's some aspect you're excited about. Right now I'm actually holding off on starting the next shot until I can figure out something specific that'll keep me excited- I think I want to go back and mix some of these newer assets with that engine crash I did a couple weeks ago [edit- just found this in an old tab and realized I never hit "enter"- that shot is done!]


damn - the camera, the character animation, the compositing. You nailed it. With some sound this will be perfect. One Question: Is this rendered with cycles or eevee?


Ah thanks!! I'm super excited to hear it with sound, yeah! This is all cycles, because it actually renders fairly quick, but it looks alright in eevee (very excited to try out that new eevee object motion blur :D)


the scale feels huge!


haha man this concept is just amazing. damn