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First of all- thank you so much to everyone for your comments on my previous post! I'm afraid maybe I came across too strong?? I've been absolutely delighted by the attention the clip's getting, the responses just gave me a lot of thoughts. Thanks so much for listening :D

It's foxglove season!! Weird flowers- they always remind me of the meadow scene in Howl's Moving Castle. They're maybe my favorite Summer Bloom. We have them all over town right now*, it's wild. And they scan super well (nice and chunky). 

So I released the big ol' plant pack to the tier 7 folks, but I still don't have it quite out of my system, so I had to scan the foxgloves from the ditch out front! Honestly I'll probably keep doing these throughout the year as different plants come into season- it's weirdly pleasant, and I need a ton of them for future Dynamo shenanigans. I'll probably save them for more larger packs For Everyone's Convenience, though. 

Blend File (right click save as)
FBX Version 

*ACTUALLY OKAY so- I feel like every year I notice a different plant, a plant I haven't seen in years or noticed before and suddenly it's absolutely everywhere. Is it just the thing where I don't notice things until something makes them stand out, or could they be on multi-year cycles?? I remember one year there was a type of bush with little vivid violet flowers ALL over it- I saw it like a hundred times- and I don't remember seeing it since. Very bizarre.

Also I always called these Lupine, and apparently I was wrong, but I just googled it and it's a very understandable mistake. 



this asset showing error while download.


Thank you!


I hope they're useful! I know they're kinda a weirdly specific plant... I just think they look cool, haha


Amazing! So you scan these? As in photogrammetry? How is it so clean😅


Yeah! Been going on a scanning frenzy lately, haha! A lot of it's about picking the right plant- it helps that there isn't a lot of overlapping leaves with these ones (as opposed to like a bush or something), so every point is visible in a lot of different pictures. I also shoot video instead of taking a bunch of pictures, which I think can help a bit :)


Yeah I've noticed! Ahh okay im just shocked at how clean it looks😁 what does your process look like when doing this? Equipment wise, software wise etc.


You are amazing Ian. These and the previous pack are just so useful to use in plenty of scenes. Thanks for being so prolific with the content you share with us! :)


if you scroll further down here Ian already posted a few videos showing how he does these scans. There's a video about a monumental hamburger he scanned as well as a video on photoscanning people called "Turning People into Digital Characters with Photogrammetry". The latter is probably the most helpful! The software is called RealityCapture, it's also in the video.


Perfect thank you mate i didnt know he had done those already pretty new to his content☺️


"I'm afraid maybe I came across too strong??" I don't think so, it was an interesting read and insight into what goes into VFX. I've said it already on the previous post, but I wouldn't mind seeing more word walls like that; it's an interesting subject and it's nice to see the way you view it. That said, I do think you should maybe put a veeeeeery minor watermark on the vids; either just your name or a blender logo. Just enough to see what the source is without it distracting from the video content. I don't think it's bad to draw more attention towards your projects/patreon anyway :P


You've got me attempting my own photoscans now!


I was hoping Meshroom would cut the mustard, but I haven't had much luck. Damn you Reality Capture! Going to give Agisoft Metashape a try.


Yes! These are great, Thank you!!

Jan van den Hemel

Huh, it must be very windstill where you live - I've tried to scan things in my garden, but it always becomes an undecipherable blob in Realitycapture. Thanks for sharing, these are really nice! If I may ask, what do you shoot these with? Your Sony camera? I'm probably going to get a Blackmagic Pocket 6K soon, maybe that'll help with the scanning (although so far I've always used DSLR stills instead of video for scans, since I assumed the rolling shutter would be a problem)


too good to be true

Light Films

Very very cool, These are great. I've played around with display.land with very average results. pretty sure it was user error more than anything else but yeah, these assets are all kinds of awesome, thank you!


Thanks Ian! How about some ugly weeds? The kind of things you’d find growing out of the asphalt in a rundown parking lot. That could be super useful. :)


I agree die-hard. Iron cast. Explosjvely. Ian, you gotta be hustlin some. It's ok. :D


Thanks so much! Damn these scans have so much detail!! I tried to scan my favorite flower (coreopsis) and the breeze would make it move so slightly that it ruined the scan:(


Hey Ian when is the next part of making a scene coming out??


yeah I know exactly what you mean XD I also have that from time to time and there's actually a name for it: the Bader-Meinhof Phenomenon. And also thanks for all your amazing resources!!


I can fully sympathize with learning a new plant each year, and realizing it's EVERYWHERE even though you didn't "know it" before, love learning about plants. Lifelong task indeed. These are adding great touches to some of my personal work. I don't do anything commercially, but out of curiosity, how do you feel about your assets being used in commercial work (of Patreons)? edit: I'm still learning the ropes of how this all works, excuse newb questions


Hey, minor note, I see some flying tiny poly islands, you can actually eliminate those right inside RealityCapture if you want, in the Advanced Selection tools there's a "Select Largest Chunk" type thing. Then invert and filter! Aaaaaaaand gone-zo.


It's true! I usually do that a lot- but in this case the islands are mostly the little flower pods, and I just felt the model worked better with them there, even if they aren't technically connected (definitely possible there are angles that highlight the disconnect, though) One thing I've enjoyed, though, is how easy it is to take something like one of those little islands (whether it's a flower or a leaf), and just duplicate it around the model a bit to flesh it out. to create variety in the models. Especially with the vines, a lot of the leaves turned out pretty crap, so I just found, like, two that worked out alright, and reconstructed it with them. Definitely a thing that would be easier in VR, though- 90% of the work is just spinning the viewport around trying to get the stems to all line up, hahaha


I was about to say, this seems like the perfect use-case for VR viewport. I haven't tried it out yet, but had tried the previous special VR build from Marui. and was considering trying it with a wall of ivy I just tried scanning. Mostly just disconnected blobs at this point. I'm trying to just record video with my iPhone and finding I can get fairly good results splitting it into images manually even though Reality Capture does now let me ingest a video. Instead I take the 4k iPhone video (recorded using the app ProMovie which allows me to boost the shutter speed and increase bitrate) into After Effects and then time remap the resulting video by hand adding keyframes here and there (important for when I moved the camera too fast and I know Meshroom/Reality Capture will be upset by the lack of overlap in those areas). Takes a bit of extra time than just nabbing one of every 4 frames, but I'm finding Reality Capture winds up creating a single component using every last image more often now that I do it this way. I've also been downscaling to 1920x1080 while outputting stills from AE and am playing around if sharpening helps in anyway, or if it just throws off Reality Capture's own image pre-processing during Alignment.


These are great Ian, Thanks a lot. Do you always use the video method for capturing objects and extract the images through belnder as per the burger scan? Just trying this out at the moment.


I was just talking about foxgloves with a friend then you posted this. I've loved foxgloves ever since I saw Jonathan Zawada's Flume art of it. Thanks!