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So, first the disclaimers: if I'd modeled these with the intention of sharing them, I'd probably have done things a little differently, and I think literally all of these are based on images from textures.com (I've gotten really into taking my own textures int he past year, since once you use a textures.com texture, you start seeing the same image everywhere, haha). These are the models where I first realized that UV unwrapping was probably my favorite thing, instead of some weird nemesis.

That said, they're some of my favorite little assets for populating a scene, and I've used them like crazy over the past year, and I hope you find them useful as well!

(right click save link as:)

Also- apologies to those of you who've messaged me over the past week and are still waiting for a response! I've been spending multiple hours per day just on messages, but I'm still a little behind! Working to catch up! :D 



this asset showing error while download. can't be download securely.


Woah! These are going to be soooo useful. Thanks!!


right on time! badly need this thank you so much I'm your new patron :D :D


Nice! And don't worry about all the messages, there's lots of us, we'll chat eventually:)


Interesting the project I'm working on at the moment I've just taught myself a bunch of uvunwrapping techniques and now really enjoy it instead of dread it.


Hi Ian, great stuff as usual and HUGE thanks :-). I'd like to know what steps you take AFTER creating a render like above-- IOW post processing stuff. I see there's a fair amount of film grain, bloom, perhaps some more blur (motion blur in AE?) and even some chromatic effects? Do you ever use lens glare (dirty lens) and if so, can it be done in Blender?


Nice. I am getting better at it but still no where near where i would like to be. Any crazy good tutorials about it?


Oh, totally! Yeah I've got a kinda embarrassing routine I usually do over in After Effects that I can make a video on- most all of it is pretty easy to duplicate in blender, though. Diffusion is probably my biggest sin- I add so much, but it just helps make everything gel.


do you use diffusion plugin of red giant or something else ...and film grain from film convert or just some stock footage overlay...




I'm in love with pipes, haha! And- kind of inevitably, I guess? I re-use and mix-and-match assets a ton, anyways. Although! I've been really enjoying using the random input to auto-generate variations on different assets (I talk about it a bit here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/auto-gen-cans-to-34986638 ) Although while that works great in blender, I don't know how well that would translate into other programs like unity/unreal.


I usually just use a hefty gaussian blur on an adjustment layer (turned down to like 18% opacity) for the diffusion. Film grain's from film convert, yeah- it's so much faster than AE's built in grain effect.


Hi.. As usual, it's Fantastic. but I like to ask you something, I used to see your robotsoup.com website for inspiration... sometimes, when I was feeling low I go and see your blog post and that gave me the confidence and inspiration to work more on 3d.. So I request you to rebuilt your website as it was before.. and like to see more blog posts :) Thank you Ian...


If you ever need to make some modular pieces or learn how to this is something i do on my everyday job. That said I gues your models don'T need that much precision but after a while i realised i could easily swap the material of some solid set of pipes or walls, windows, etc... they become so much repetitive (most in an open world game) but creating the story like your beautifuyl crazy head does makes it magical each time and nobody sees it. Its more of tool to lose less time than anything else. I agree that uv unwrapping can become mesmerising at some point.


Hey Ian, one last question-- where do you get your character stand-ins for the bottom scene? Are they 2D or 3D? Thanks :-)


Those guys were 3d! Bought them on cgtrader- although they got me pretty stoked about scanning people myself. For like 6 months there I was using meshroom which is some rad (free!) software but also gave me mixed results, but I've had a lot more success since jumping over to Reality Capture! Just costs more :)


Oh man I would LOVE to hear more about how you go about doing that. I'll send you a message!!


Pipes & Steam elements getting some airtime while I attempt to learn some animation. Trying not too suck is hard man.. Doing my own voice acting for sound effects makes me chuckle though. Having a lot of fun is the prize inside! Thanks for the great assets! https://twitter.com/i/status/1288569024687886339


That's your voice? Hahaha! It works!! Also I watched it like 3 times before I realized the back wasn't stock footage, but a still with some clouds- is that the steam element for the clouds?? Or is that something else? It works great!


Thanks man, the background is an image 'as plane' with a light on the bottom corner and the cloud it flies through is a steam element moving past the camera. 😃