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With the way this site is going, i've made the decision to book it over to Subscribe Star.
Starting in August, no new posts will be made here and I will be removing pledges and stuff.

Adventure Girls will continue to be posted here until the end of the month and will be continuing the following months until it's completion. Just not here.

If you wouldn't mind showing your support there I would very much appreciate it <3
You can wait until August to re-pledge there so you don't feel like you have to pay me twice this month haha.
This post will be public so don't worry about missing it. Though i'm sure Patreon won't like it. Oh well.
If you're seeing this from my Twitter, please note that this is intended for 18+ Adults, not that anything NSFW is public. Please keep this in mind if you're thinking of supporting/joining my Discord Server.


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