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Episode 4 'Chloramphenicol'

• Unlocked to All Tiers 24.01.24

Link 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19rP9UTIZZlpWQ7DEk3p6OJ18fOY8qQse/view?usp=sharing

Link 2: https://ln5.sync.com/dl/8ae650a00/mq2nyeis-ik9m8gjc-sadq3skw-j9i9uicu


The Americans S04E04 UNCUT.mp4

Chloramphenicol A devastating flaw during a mission forces Philip, Elizabeth, William and Gabriel to confront the depths of their patriotism... and their mortality. In Russia, in striving to be a better person, has Nina put her life on the line?



Is there now only a single link to watch my shows? It is freezing/glitching when I use the this link (sync). I had no issues with google docs. To signup for this link it requires a monthly payment after a free trial (30 days). Is this all correct, or am I missing something?


yes your missing the embedded google link at the top above the image, just click and it will open as always 👍 Ill re-add the hyperlink too


Thanks for your reply! Didn’t think to look there. Senior moment!!


no worries, the embedded link is always there as its part of the main post 👍