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Episode 8 'Trace Decay'

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• Unlocked To All Tiers 24.07.23

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Link2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qNAwMcrGySozibEARLDRr-gJ-HGF1oll/view?usp=sharing



Trace Decay Bernard struggles with a mandate; Maeve looks to change her script; Teddy is jarred by dark memories.



To answer a couple of your questions: 1. The blonde woman you thought you recognized is an actress named Talulah Riley. Honestly, I think her most "famous role" would be that she was married to Elon Musk, twice. And divorced twice. And you probably recognized her from earlier episodes. She was the hostess who welcomed William in the subway in Episode 2. They often take an "unimportant" character and give it another role in the park than before. In this case, she went from "outside" of the park into it and became a character of Ford's new narrative that is currently playing out. If you look closely, you will notice it wih other hosts too. 2. We saw what happened to Elsie. We saw it during the conversation between Ford and Bernard in this episode. Bernard had a flashback of strangeling her, that is why he asked Ford if he made him kill somebody else before. And something else I always forgot to mention, Maeve is played by Thandie Newton, who is the mother of the girl who played Joel's daughter Sarah in TLOU - Nico Parker. They look so similar. Once you see it, you will never unsee it :)


i may be missing some serious story here. but i felt Theresa Cullen's death in the series was a missed opertunity to show the length Ford would go in order to keep his little empire. up until this episode i thought that the laboratory where they displayed the slower machine builder that was currently building another "host". was in fact building another Theresa Cullen. which would be pretty crazy and kinda shift the dynamic a little. i was upset that was not the case. but i mean. that could just be me who had this train of thought