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Hi everyone!

If you're missing Damon and Ayame, we have some exciting news for you! You can now roleplay as Damon or Ayame in the Infinite Stars universe while you wait for the next episode from Andromeda Six.

What is Infinite Stars? Imagine if Mass Effect, Star Trek, and Dune had a love child– That's Infinite Stars.

If you haven't played Infinite Stars recently, it now has a new free-roam mechanic, a new star system navigation mechanic, a gorgeous gallery with unlockable lore entries, and a system that allows players to write and import custom-made stories to the game.

You can get it for free on Steam or follow them on itchio for the latest updates.

Infinite Stars is entirely free to play, and if you like what they are doing, please consider supporting them on Patreon!




REALLY?! Oh well... I'll sacrifice myself and update the game I guess 🙃🙃🙃

Jack Newbill

I'm pretty sure I tried that one when there were only like 1-2 chapters ready. May have to look into it again.