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After months of dealing with new features that block the release I finally managed to stop myself from adding new features and finally build an in-between  release that is usable enough.  Most focus was done on the MacOS aarch64 but there's also a bunch of new stuff in general for both Windows and Mac

I've also build a new version of the Runtime Modifier application as some people prefer a version that's not called Cheat Engine

Please let me know any suggestions you have and report bugs you encounter. You can do that here in the comments, but also on discord and the CE forum

For MacOS you may have to explicitly tell your OS to allow it to execute. This may mean removing the quarantine flag:

xattr -d com.apple.quarantine CheatEngine752.app

signing it yourself

sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - CheatEngine752.app

and maybe even executing using sudo manually:

sudo ./CheatEngine752.app/Contents/MacOS/cheatengine-x86_64 hasrights

Note: There is a bug in this macOS version where all memory is detected as MEM_MAPPED, and by default this is not scanned. Go to settings->scan  and check MEM_MAPPED

Changes from 7.5.1 to 7.5.2:

  • IPT log can now be displayed as a tree in the format as "break and trace"
  • updated the tcc library to a more recent version
  • {$luacode} doesn't need dll injection to function anymore
  • auto assembler DB command has been updated to allow relative changes.  e.g: DB +1 +2 will increase the bytes 'db' is done at with 1 and 2 respectively
  • you can't destroy luafile stream objects anymore. You now have to destroy the luafile itself
  • added more language support for AA scripts
  • added a new debugger interface: gdbserver  (please let me know what and how you use it and the issues you have)
  • error out scripts that try to access GUI controls from other threads. (remove threadsafegui.lua if you don't want it. But it's there for a reason...)
  • tablist can't be clicked while scanning is active
  • removed the close button from the comments dialog
  • comments can now save empty spaces
  • memoryregion view columns can be sorted now
  • C code: ANDROID define set on android targets
  • lua: disassembler view now has a SelectionSize property
  • lua: caretX and caretY are now exposed to synedit
  • lua: TSynAutoComplete can be created (for those that want to implement autocomplete in lua/aa)
  • lua: ModuleLoader can now load streams and tablefiles (handy for dll injection without extracting the dll)
  • mac aarch64: big endian support (go to settings to enable it)
  • mac aarch64: added c/ccode support
  • mac aarch64: added luacode support
  • mac aarch64: createthread support
  • mac aarch64: dylib injection
  • mac aarch64: code injection templates
  • mac aarch64: speedhack (basic, just 2 functions hooked as a poc)
  • mac aarch64: mono data collector
  • mac aarch64: debugging x86 targets

Fixes from 7.5.1 to 7.5.2:

  • fixed .net info search dialog which was introduced in 7.5.1
  • fixed .net info string fields causing errors
  • fixed structure dissect without using a structure dissect window
  • yet even more disassembler issues related to x86 vex and aarch64
  • fixed some symbolsync issues (introduced in 7.5.1)
  • fixed issue when ticking and unticking a checkbox in the pointerscan config
  • fixed some font colors and types so they adjust based on default windows config


The files ending with .exe are installers for windows.

ceserver752 zip is an archive containing prebuild ceserver binaries you can use on android systems

CheatEngine752 app zip is the Cheat Engine package for MacOS (perhaps someday I'll make an installer)

30/12/2023: Minor installer update that fixes the big endian lua files

07/01/2023: Fixed the structure dissect blockdelete, error message on delete, and c compiler for aarch64 not being included in the windows version



Thank you for all the hard work


Hey, I saw that you added runtime modifiers back again! Thank you!!


Man, I sure am glad I read line 14 of the license agreement :P Anyway, thanks for all the hard work!


You're awesome. Did not expect a Mac update at all. Thank you.


Can you make a Speed Hack-only container for the Runtime Modifier application? I'm one of those people who need a version that's not called Cheat Engine for Madden 24 PC. I really appreciate your work


I'm getting a nearby allocation error with Madden 24 PC: "Impossible to allocate 23B0000. Please rewrite the script to function without near by allocation"




still no no-setup version for ce :(


Check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTBHFGQ7oE4 on how to make a no-setup yourself


I'm only trying to use the Speed Modifier with Madden 24 PC


thank you for making this cool nice app !


I only use this for Baldurs Gate 3 so not sure if its a game specific problem, but no matter what script or command I try to do, it gives me the spinning wheel, and permanently freezes. I followed the 3 terminal commands as well :(


Cheat Tables made for the windows version of the game won't work on the MacOS version of the game. You have (or someone else has ) to create a new table for this game. Or start of by just scanning for variables you're interested in


why are there no more Extra Custom Types settings in this version like before?


Likely an installer bug. Copy bigendian.lua from the other version over to this version


ok, thank u DB


Does anyone know where I can safely download cheat tables? Or to check if the .ct files contain anything malicious??


Kinda shocked actually.... Did some past forum scrub/reading regarding getting the Mac CE to run correctly and yes I've tried your sudo but at this point It must be me not understanding file paths/ names and etc for a MAC versus a Windows. Keep getting "No Such File" error using the Terminal(Command Prompt) to sudo sign..... Oh and I got CE to open on this Mac BUTTTT I can't attach the game process. "Lack of Admin Right"... Hence I went on a goose chase for an administrator option tick or something like the usual right click on windows. (I found the CE setting for attempt to run in Admin always).... At this point I'm going to go watch some vids on MAC operating systems and understand those basics cause it must be me


Open the .CT in a texteditor. And read it. If it uses getInternet or decodeFunction or any other kind of obfuscation I wouldn't run it if I where you


Oh okay. I just now realized most of the tables I downloaded have decodeFunction. Thank you for the heads-up!


Thanks. I was in denial this whole time hoping I could still attach to it. Sadly after now 8 hours of research and trials plus your comment… yep. Won’t attach to this Apple Arcade game. Which sucks cause Fantasian is an awesome game and deserves a port to PC. Much like the Castlevania Grimoire game does. Thanks for the response


Thank you so much for fixing the .Net Info box. Sometimes it was so painful because I kept forgetting what i was clicking on wasn't what was showing. Always had to click the NEXT one in the list. And you could never see what the last class in the list had. I had to write an LUA script to dump the data for a class.


Enable Speedhack,Nothing works, how should I use it


speedhack-x86_64.dll and speedhack-i386.dll(The latest version also does not contain these two files)


An error show up or it doesn't get ticked, or the speed stays the same? If the speed stays the same make sure vsync and fps limiting is off (unity games tend to have that enabled)


so why did yall disable tekken 8 demo functionality?

Recifense Cheers

Hi CE team, A great 2024 for all of you. I started to use this a few hours ago and I found an issue related to structure dissect: Block Deletion is not working properly. Only one line is deleted. When I tried to use "Autoguess offset type", when it started guess an error message poped up several times: "childnodestruct deletion did not clear childstruct". Cheers!

Recifense Cheers

Ok. I will check it. The installer CheatEngine752P_withDebugSymbols.exe, how are those symbols used? Cheers!


When the debugsymbols are present when an unexpected exception happens (access violation) there will be q debugfile with a stacktrace to that point which can help me pinpoint the cause of the error

Recifense Cheers

Hi CE team, Here is another Structure Dissect issue: When a structure is renamed, the title is not updated. If you click on Structures, the list is not updated. The list of all previous opened structure are not updated. Only when you create a new structure, you see the updated list. Cheers!


replace your speedhackv3.lua with the one at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cheat-engine/cheat-engine/3c35fab43eb86718f6cbd852d8115d65f1b35881/Cheat%20Engine/bin/autorun/SpeedhackV3.lua (i'll try to upload a fixed version later)


Interesting, I didn't think to check for these. However, I downloaded tables from well-known table makers; I noticed one popular table has used the decode function 10 times in this table. The table maker said it was to stop others from copying and updating his table as it is used to obfuscate the code. In that case, it's not always a bad thing. Otherwise, yes, most tables do not require or use this function.


If you trust the table maker then sure. But if it's a random table maker you don't know then do be careful. They may just say it's to prevent stealing but in fact is to hide their malware


I followed your instructions, as mine didn't work either, but I got this message and am not sure how to fix it.I searched for the speedhack dll and I don't have it. I have the Patreon Cheat Engine 7.5.1 installed and was testing this on Factory Town Idle. Googling the error, the DLL error is common, and maybe this screenshot of the error can help. https://i.imgur.com/CTuF8Gg.png Edit: I did more searching and got it working using your script on this page: https://forum.cheatengine.org/viewtopic.php?t=618684


Hmm.. with my anxiety, I just won’t download anything. That’s why I opt in for the Patreon version of cheat engine😂

Recifense Cheers

Hi CE team, Here is another Structure Dissect issue (a mono/.Net game): First log message: 16/01/2024 Unhandled exception: StructureDissectEvent: Lua Function error() (Exception class Exception) Stack trace: $00000000006AB776 STRUCTUREDISSECTEVENT, line 1230 of LuaCaller.pas $00000000006F7D6F DEFINENEWSTRUCTUREDIALOG, line 4769 of StructuresFrm2.pas $00000000006F839F DEFINENEWSTRUCTURE1CLICK, line 4909 of StructuresFrm2.pas $000000000087424F CLICK, line 83 of include/menuitem.inc $0000000000874A68 DOCLICKED, line 296 of include/menuitem.inc $0000000000411711 $0000000000840298 DOWINDOWPROC, line 2143 of win32/win32callback.inc $0000000000841D10 WINDOWPROC, line 2776 of win32/win32callback.inc $00000000009E6460 CUSTOMFORMWNDPROC, line 397 of win32/win32wsforms.pp $00007FFF4CCA8241 $00007FFF4CCA7D01 $0000000000842EA1 APPPROCESSMESSAGES, line 415 of win32/win32object.inc $0000000000471487 HANDLEMESSAGE, line 1264 of include/application.inc $0000000000471977 RUNLOOP, line 1383 of include/application.inc $0000000000853CB8 APPRUN, line 54 of include/interfacebase.inc $0000000000471946 RUN, line 1371 of include/application.inc $00000000004049F8 main, line 427 of cheatengine.lpr Error msg: Unhandled exception: StructureDissectEvent: Lua Function error0 (Exception class Exception) Please send the cedebug.txt file to Dark Byte. Thanks The current table has been saved to D\CE_TABLES\ExceptionAutoSave_WH40KRT.ct Cheers

Recifense Cheers

More info (from Lua editor): Error:D:\Cheat Engine 7.5.2\autorun\dotnetinfo.lua:671: attempt to index a nil value (field 'Classes') stack traceback: D:\Cheat Engine 7.5.2\autorun\dotnetinfo.lua:671: in upvalue 'ClassListDataRequest' D:\Cheat Engine 7.5.2\autorun\dotnetinfo.lua:2253: in function monopipe disconnected Error:D:\Cheat Engine 7.5.2\autorun\monoscript.lua:3347: attempt to index a nil value (global 'monopipe') stack traceback: D:\Cheat Engine 7.5.2\autorun\monoscript.lua:3347: in function 'mono_array_element_size' D:\Cheat Engine 7.5.2\autorun\monoscript.lua:4796: in function 'monoform_exportArrayStructInternal' (...tail calls...) D:\Cheat Engine 7.5.2\autorun\monoscript.lua:787: in function 'mono_structureDissectOverrideCallback' Cheers!


This might sound silly but does it matter which app I use when using runtime modifier (i.e., there’s rt-mod-i386, rt-mod-x86_64, Runtime Modifier.exe, etc)?


Hi! I'm completely new to all of this and was wondering if this worked on games hosted on websites. I'm using a mac and the game can only be played on the website or downloaded to PC (not macOS unfortunately). Also, whenever I try to run the tutorial, I get a message that says, "no readable memory found".


About the browser game not sure. Try a different browser besides Safari and try CE on that. As for the tutorial go to settings-scan settings and tick MEM_MAPPED


It might, if the game is dependent on a server for data then no, but if the game is hosted on the website and uses your computer to run it without any other dependencies then yes, you have to edit the values of the browser or the container the browser uses that is running the game but that part of finding the location thats another hassle unless you poke in each one of them, back in the day some facebook games i managed to use cheatengine to edit values.


Getting a weird error in the latest Error:C:\Program Files\Cheat Engine\autorun\monoscript.lua:3078: attempt to call a nil value (global 'createMethodInvokeDialog') When I try to invoke a .NET function/method


I haven't been able to get the Mac version to work properly with a debugger. For simplicity's sake, here's a link to the thread in the forum about it. Am I the only one having this problem? I've been trying to find a solution for 2 days now and haven't found one. https://forum.cheatengine.org/viewtopic.php?p=5788187#5788187

Recifense Cheers

Hi CE team, Here is another issue that can be reproduced on previous releases (CE74/75): If the process name is something like blablabla - blablabla.exe, one cannot access the listed codes by simply double-clicking on it. In fact, blablabla - blablabla.exe+offset considered an invalid address. Cheers!


I just got this today and it worked fine the first time except my game crashed so I had to do it a 2nd time, also no problems there. Now after trying to use it again I can't get the console commands option to work for BG3. I've re-downloaded and re-installed, purchased patreon and still no luck. As far as I know I have the latest versions of everything needed. Why won't the command console option work anymore? I'm trying to add items to my game.


hmmm. apparently there was a game update I didn't even see/know about that musta just happend recently.


Hey I am on Mac OS and every time I want select a process it says lack of permissions. Which permissions do I need to give CE so I can choose an application/process? I have tried full disk access but that didn't seem to help. Sorry if I am clueless, I would appreciate any help thanks a lot


Did you try running with the sudo command? Also it won't work on iOS apps as you need to disable SIP and those don't run with that disabled


I didn't try with sudo command yet since CE asks for permission when I start it ( I thought that's enough ) I am trying to open game baldurs gate 3 with CE What would u recommend me to open this game? I run it native on Mac OS. Thanks for the reply btw


Look up how to disable "system integrity protection" for macOS . It involves rebooting into recovery mode and then use csrutil to disable it)


So, directly after installation I get this message (which only appears after installation is finished). "Unable to execute file: C:\Program Files\Cheat Engine\Cheat Engine.exe CreateProcess failed; code 31. A device attached to the system is not functioning." And then afterward, whenever I try to run the program, whether normally or with "Run as administrator", nothing happens. The program never starts up; it's as if I did nothing at all. And I've tried several different versions of Cheat Engine (at least the ones where the installer actually runs for me). Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.


need help. upon opening, there's a pop up that says "Failed opening process. Likely due to lack of admin rights."