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Oh yeah we getting active!!


@lex Canas

Macaron apparently hasn't heard the "NO CAPES" rule. 😅


Did anyone else think of Todo and his clapping when the snapping started? 🤔


He really steal Kakashis Head hunter jutsu

Just Another Josh

I get that people nowadays go to Todo, but this is a carbon copy of the main character from Re: Hamatora, a show I hadn't thought about in so long. That character also snaps to emit a shockwave and then travels using it. Just like in this show, you need a source to carry your body and a snap is a quick one-handed way to get that moving. It's also very stylish. It's always been one of my favorite movement abilities in any media, so seeing it pop up again nearly identical in Mashle is tons of fun. Both Hamatora and this show also focus on the fact that, unlike Todo's teleport, this is a straight-line movement that carries force. So you can attack at the speed of sound if you choose not to stop immediately. Todo's teleport is flashy and was animated in a more fun way, but I prefer the snap movement solely because it's also an offensive tool. You carry the full force of moving at the speed of sound, that's going to do some damage. All this to say that it was so much fun seeing the same fighting style pop up years later. I'm a sucker for any sort of instant movement technique, but the snap has always been my favorite.