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Episode 12 reaction posting today as well!



I agree that the last 3 eps have some overly dramatic moments, but I still enjoyed it to the end. It's a dumb but fun show. Too bad the break killed the momentum of the show 😢


Been meaning to get into it. Read the first chapter a couple years ago and I remember the art being just as good as the anime, if not better.


It's honestly said that the West are so conceited that we can't give anything understanding when it comes to hiatus no matter the duration. I never forgot this show and really looked forward to when it was gonna be finished. I don't feel I was disappointed either and for me at least it was worth the wait. That being said, I never was so happy to see three whiny bitch ass characters get what they deserve. Especially that piece of shit with the man catcher on the roof. 😎


The shit was censored in the manga, too. So it's 100% accurate and faithful to the source material. XD


Completely agree. Though part of me was like, "I can fix her!" for the lady with glasses cuz she was bad in other ways. XD