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Sorry it's late, next episode tomorrow and will be on schedule to post every other day onward.



this ep gave me the big sad


I can't even begin to imagine how the families if this sicko's victims must feel. Smfh. Ngl, if I was one of those police units, I'd have been extremely tempted to pull out a gun on that piece of shit.


The insert song drop was so hype, though. Samurai 45 by MIYAVI


"Thank you for coming to save me." That line fucked me up. Wow.


This is honestly one of my fav ep cause it gives us a little more insight into Narihisago's mind, no pun intended, and how he feels and thinks as himself not Saksido. When he mentioned the same analogy about the leaf the other guy did you can see his real brilliance. Also that he does learn when he dies in a well from his mistakes even though his mind should be erased as Sakaido each time he reenters. Really thought provoking stuff. 🤔