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Nah aint no way they ended the episode like this!!



Waiting on the 2nd cour after this cliffhanger was pain 😞


maaan i cant wait any longer ima need 2 a day at least. also yes they love their transitions and symbolism. statue missing its head for example.

ジェイス「 j a c e 」

Shin's juggernaut is basically Deku, if he goes over a threshold or well puts too much stress in the juggernauts joints, itll become useless


Time for the blood queen


It was quick but if you notice the gun was sitting on the floor between his legs. He couldn't reach it after that Shepard knocked the Juggernaut into the air to cripple it further. Also interesting how the brother was in a suit of armor, if you think about it. The suit of armor being the Mech he was put into.


im not gonna lie i almost cried here


In case any of you feel like it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dn1f0zKh7O8 It's a video that does a dope job showing and explaining all the symbolism in the show and it's first part only, so no worries about spoilers for the 2nd cour. I loved the show after watching it for the first time, but after watching this video I started to appreciate it as art and not just a story, and also praising who ever directed this the way they did. 11 books later, it's one of my favorites and it was the first light novel I ever read, the books that got me reading something besides manga