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She has entirely too many snacks lmao



Damn another early morning dangers episode. Another good start to the day


What a great treat to find after work! Can always count on you guys to brighten my day! 😁 This is one of my favorite ep cause it is the first time that Ichikawa admits that he may have some kind of real feelings for Yamada and it's so perfect for his age the way he handles it! 🤭


8th grade syndrome anime Jeffery Dahmer experiences love for the first time will he realize his ambitions are failing? tune in next time on the dangers in my psychopathic love interest.

@lex Canas

Yamada's snack eating reminds me of that one line from "Over the Hedge", "Enough just isn't enough".

K king

So...there's an anime drop next month called Chained Solider (same author as Akame ga kill btw) and you can probably guess by the title lol


To answer y’all’s questions the author of dangers in my heart is female

Marlen Mendez

Manhwa and Donghua female writers go wild just to let you know lmao so it wouldn't suprise me if female mangakas in Japan do as well