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After this revelation I feel like I'm watching Rogue One. Happy New Year fam!


Collin L.



its keeps getting better from here i cant wait for the reactions to come ps: fido best boy

Jacob Maguire

im sick and tired of people bringing onions to the 86 reactions its making me cry too much.

Kevin Baker

Happy New Year, all.


The old guy that brought Child Shin back to life was the Alba priest that Raiden mentioned to Lena when he was explaining that not all Alba are bad and not all 86 are good. I think he got sent to the camps as well for trying to protect the 86 and eventually died.

ジェイス「 j a c e 」

One thing they werent able to adapt very well, was shin's neck scar. In the Light Novel, Rei choked Shin with a necklace of some sort which led to the scar, because usually when you choke someone it just leaves a bruise not a scar. But yeah... edit: to add since rei's brain was intact, he still has his thoughts but they are altered, since you noticed how he said stuff like "without my human fragile body". Basically his morales and common sense was erased when he got mech'afied. As for Shin's powers, the "Nouzen" clan has some sort of power, in case of Shin's family, they can communicate via telepath. As for other Nouzen families...

ジェイス「 j a c e 」

One thing to discuss with what you guys were talking abt at the end, abt the enemies having a UAV... if the Black Sheep are in the battlefield, then there is definitely some sort of higher leader / handler thats communicating with the Black Sheeps...


ayy my bday on the 30th too!

Alexander Brown

I wonder who was that scientists childhood friend🤔


We never did get confirmation if he was dead or not, so you never know