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poor sakura, she got taylor'd. yuki came along and gave a whole new meaning to BFB


Damn, wasn't she having confidence issues too. If this was made in America they would have her female friend help her with this only for a week to pass by and Sakura now Lesbian


I’d prefer Sakura over yuki idk wtf Toru is on


Horimiya is one of my top romcoms of all time, but all the romances outside of the main pair stress me out


Sherb’s “wtf” came out the same time as mine when Hori said she don’t care about him being with another girl.

Richie Roberts (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-16 16:03:27 It also symbolism for her name. Yuki means snow.
2023-11-16 15:42:55 It's also symbolism for her name. Yuki means snow.

It's also symbolism for her name. Yuki means snow.


im pissed over this man, kono shouldve been the one dating him


Sakura going through it and the dude literally said wow it's snowing. LMAO that's awkward af


Tooru has barely any connection to sakura aside from the fact that he hangs out with Sengoku and she is also Sengoku's friend and she makes Cookies for him sometimes. Meanwhile, him and Yuki have already built a connection with each other. If he were to end up with Sakura there would have had to be 10x the amount of relationship development.


people go to remi for advice because she's the most emotionally mature character