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I'm done with Takemichi. Don't @ me.



I swear if it wasn't for yall reacting to this series I would've been drop

tiana britton

I remember reading this chapter and I was so hurt! I thought about Draken first bc he’s my fave 🥹🥹 but yeah there’s not really anything left to say about Takemitchy 🥴🥴 I think a lot of times he makes it worse more than he helps🙃🙃


I think the wild part about this is Kisaki did all this but you already know Takemitchy just gonna let him run the 1s fair and square like all this didn't happen 😭

Daniel Turner

Can never be disappointed, if you never respected them in the first place

Miguel angel lugo

Naw takemitchy I have no more respect for you for this one naw not like tho not like this