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the new ending song was Kat - Mastermind it's out now on Spotify

Dane Byrd

I think you guys missed the implications of what Liu Min’s brother said. Even if you change something to go down a different path/timeline, that doesn’t seem to change a persons fate/destiny. Lu Guang is apologizing (at the end of the episode) that he always tells Cheng not to change things BUT Lu saved Cheng even though Cheng’s death is an unchangeable point. So based on what we know, even though Lu saved Cheng, it’s most likely that Lu just delayed the inevitable.

Dane Byrd

I wonder what happened to the power when Lu went back to save Cheng. In the entire show up to this point has Lu also had Cheng’s power because the Lu we know is actually the one who saw Cheng die? It’s possible that Lu went back and saved Cheng, then he clapped and exited the photo. Then he would be back in the version of events that we know, without Cheng having died. Does this explain why Cheng is able to activate his power by high-fiving Lu? If you think about it.. why would Cheng’s power activate when he high fives Lu or when he claps? I’m not sure about that last idea but it might be something… There’s so many possibilities