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This reaction was ATOMIC



compared to shadow garden iris a a ant


Pretty much this is the pecking order i see it and i will make it base on tfs pecking order and i will make it spoiler free popo - cid kami- shadow garden Popo's stool - a character you have not seen yet worms inside of the dirt - Iris dirt - a character you have seen but have not heard the name of yet you - alexia


you can say another character is above shadow garden but this is base characters fighting evil

Niran (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-24 22:41:47 The Atomic scene always makes me grin lol Also this fight is just like a trailer compared to some of the fights later in the series. Be sure to have the entire squad for the last 2-3 episodes at least as it is god-tier fr Fun fact: The ED features each of the shadow garden core members as you can see but each ED is sung by the featured character's VA too.
2023-08-24 19:53:27 The Atomic scene always makes me grin lol Also this fight is just like a trailer compared to some of the fights later in the series. Try to have the entire squad for the last 2-3 episodes at least as it is god-tier fr Fun fact: The ED features each of the shadow garden core members as you can see but each ED is sung by the featured character's VA too.

The Atomic scene always makes me grin lol Also this fight is just like a trailer compared to some of the fights later in the series. Try to have the entire squad for the last 2-3 episodes at least as it is god-tier fr Fun fact: The ED features each of the shadow garden core members as you can see but each ED is sung by the featured character's VA too.