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a portion of this fandom has unsurprisingly got a dark ship between siblings...with a disgusting fanart of them with a child...luckily i doubt this anime will ever explore that avenue i take what ruby said as a young girl crush that was never reciprocated just a passing. That aside sherm for the final episode i need everyone who's present for it to do there best peiyon impression either at the beginning of the reaction or after please dawg lmao


I don't think it's a "dark" or "disgusting" thing about the fandom at all lmao. First, there have been multiple analyses about how there are a lot of parallels between the characters in this story and certain characters in old Japanese legends, in which there were always incest elements (just like legends all around the world... Don't forget also Eve was literally also made out of a part of Adam), not to mention Aqua & Ruby are literally mostly their personalities from the previous life, who have no blood relationship whatsoever. And at this point (of the manga) the ship must be either Aqua x death, Aqua x therapy or Gorou x Sarina. I don't think the story will get visceral about the Gorou x Sarina pairing, but really if there's any salvation still for Aqua it can only come from him discovering his old connection with Ruby. So this idea is not far-fetched at all and we'd be better off being more open-minded lol. (I am quite repulsed by incest stuff in general but I appreciate the point of this story element here.)


Konosuba S3 was announced a while back, they just gave us a visual and a year when to expect it. :)


Technically they have had that conversation, but she wasn't being honest, and then said, "it's rude to ask a girl her age" and shit lol. Granted, Aqua just needs to approach it with better wording, but I guess he gave up after that.


I wouldn't call it disgusting either, because like you said they are mostly their personalities from their previous life, but Aqua doesnt see Ruby that way and I dont think he ever will


Thats fair, i guess i focused too much on the incest portion and less personality based among the other elements i do agree aqua and ruby do need to figure out the past life connections i think the way you put it is interesting and this story element does put its use into perspective thanks (im usually more open minded about things like this i usually think of this stuff too but yesterday i went through something and my mind was boggy forgive me lol) but none the less thanks for your perspective it helps.


True thats what i was mentioning it wasn't reciprocated or more like he never found out i guess but the first reply definitely puts a nice perspective to it i couldnt put together yesterday i take back what i said