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One of the best episodes to date. Vinland just keeps getting better.



Lmao the intro


Absolutely amazing 🤩

Emman Reed

Such a great episode maan. So many levels and emotions to this one episode. Respect, understanding, kindness, regret, and the main theme of love. Great reaction and hope to see more! The animation got me in this one and the reaction was very enjoyable. All in all, a great afternoon watching some Re:Anime with the boys at Re:Animated.

Osiris Cage

It's wild that the scene with him putting blood on his baby's cheek was the same scene from the beginning of the first episode.


one of those situations where nobody is in the wrong, sucks to see man. i think snake was a little more tolerable than a lot of people would be when gardar killed that first guy a few eps ago, but once he killed 4 more it was over

Shin splits

Okay even tho I have read the manga, I’m just looking this up. Miklagard is was the Vikings called Constantinople (modern day Istanbul, Turkey). Always knew Snake wasn’t Scandinavian but never bothered to look it up until now. So I’m guessing he was an Warrior of Constantinople (might have been in the army) and probably committed a crime of some kind, then got exiled.


With speed and strength I believe they are matched but I agree that snake’s tactical experience surpasses Thorfin. I if the were in the same army snake is more of a general and Thorfin Special ops.