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Megumin gone slap some titties lmao



Filthy translation. Idk wtf they were thinking, "Yes, let's change the word from 'black' to 'ink' for no reason." Kuro means "black," literally. It's the color black. It has no relation to "ink" whatsoever in any context. It's like if they used the word for another color, and then the subs say "Paint." Occasional translation liberties are fine, but this one is just stupid af.


I wonder if they were being overly cautious as to "not offend anyone." But like, nobody would be offended cuz it's literally a black cat lmao.


I have never seen a cat eat like that and I never want to in real life cause that shit was frenzied!😲 Also that stalker dude's name was way too close to bukkake for my taste, but hey maybe he be like that too. Who knows since she is his intended maybe she likes that shit and don't know it yet.😝

Othinus (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-22 09:43:11 Need to get me a Chomosuke plushie <3
2023-04-21 16:03:58 Need to get me a Chomosuke plushie <3

Need to get me a Chomosuke plushie <3