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Dr Stone is back!! Feels good :')



I still can't believe Ryusui has the same VA as Ishigami Yu from Kaguya-sama. They sound nothing alike, that's some versatility right there. Just straight up transformed his voice lol.


I personally think the op is watchable for anime only people. There's no context for anything to actually be a true spoiler, nor does it show full scenes. I don't think he has to wait til the end. Could easily wait like two or three episodes tops, if that. But you know his spoiler sensitivity scale better than I do. Demon Slayer S3 op is a lot more spoilery.


You gotta give credit to Taiju man. He may not be that bright, but when his bestie tells him something whether he knows why he should do it or not, he don't question it and remembers it. That's why him and Senku and the perfect combo on brains and brawn.😁