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See y'all next week when we start PEAKtama!



I’ve waited years for this moment let’s GOOOOO 😤😤😤😤


it’s almost time 🗣️🗣️🗣️

Narongsak Chhouy

Let fkinng goooo!!!! These next few arcs gonna be WILDER than this week NBA trade deadline day!!!🔥🔥💯


We made it boiis

Musical Esscence

Also! The Gintama game is a Dynasty Warriors type game. It's really fun, but has spoilers. You guys should wait to play it until you finish the show. It just follows the serious arcs.

Daniel Turner

if u want gintama rumble your going to have to import the Singapore version as that's the 1 that comes with eng subs

K king

Let's goo! Btw the op in 300 will be same as the previous, but the visual change goes crazyy!


The idol episodes are always misses for me. They rely on wayyy too much idol and Japanese pop jokes that I just don't get. Next week can't come soon enough though, these next arcs really are peak Gintama


I will be there, no matter what. Can't believe y'all are finally here

Musical Esscence

Weird. I have it for ps4 and it has the english subs. Also!! They shouldn't even play it until finishing Battle On Rakuyo.


Omg, been waiting for SO long, it's gonna be 🔥🔥

mr cheese

So, you guys are finally at the endgame. Prepared to experience greatness!!

banden☔ (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-05 14:22:51 Gintama Voice actors giving their performance of a life-time just for a gag scene >>>> yeah the last half of slip arc is generally probably the worst of Gintama, It's no wonder they skipped it earlier in order to get serious shit at ep 300. Anyways, here we go!!!
2023-02-12 18:59:04 Gintama Voice actors giving their performance of a life-time just for a gag scene >>>> yeah the last half of slip arc is generally probably the worst of Gintama, It's no wonder they skipped it earlier in order to get serious shit at ep 300. Anyways, here we go!!!

Gintama Voice actors giving their performance of a life-time just for a gag scene >>>> yeah the last half of slip arc is generally probably the worst of Gintama, It's no wonder they skipped it earlier in order to get serious shit at ep 300. Anyways, here we go!!!


Yo I forgot saccharin said that, cum dumpster is wild XD