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Sheesh! They turned up this episode! Banger.



Watch "MHAS5E24" on Streamable.



catfish could be out there eatin ass it aint gonna stop me from fryin it up




Man, All For One could've made a great psychiatrist if he had followed a different path lol. All that psycho-analyzing he does.


Lol I just had sushi for dinner XD

Jalen Holmes

BRUH I CANNOT WAIT FOR S6! They better use the money made from the movie


Is something wrong with the link?


It's not playing for me. Don't know why


Are you getting an error or anything? Also what are you using to watch? iPhone, android, PC, game console, etc?

Elijah Roberts

It says unable to find link

Evan Jardin

I'm getting two different errors, and it's only uploads for today... "Sorry this video doesn't exist" (Gintama) and "unable to find video. Such are the mysteries of the internet" (MHA, Tokyo Revengers) and watching on Android...gonna try pc and see if that works


Okay thank you, I’m trying to get some data together as far as who is having what issues and on what devices. Can you check Gintama 21&22 now and see if it’s working?

Evan Jardin

Now it's popping up with that same "such are the mysteries of the internet" that the other two have


So there are privacy settings put in place for Vimeo videos, one of them being private, which gives the “sorry this video does not exist” for everyone except PC viewers, for whatever reason. And then “hide from Vimeo” which is the option I changed it to just now which gives that error saying such are the mysteries of the internet…Very frustrating because this app should be integrated with Vimeo and vice versa, pay too much money for people to not have access to content. I’ll figure out a solution here soon thanks for the info fam.

Evan Jardin

Yeah, I jumped on my computer and its working fine lmao...its really dumb that they don't have it fully integrated. But anyways, I am glad to help any way I can, and I know you are trying on your end, so it doesn't concern me. I'm here to support y'all regardless!


Really appreciate the understanding my man. Going to be switching to stream able very soon and I’ve heard nothing but good things about them.

Solivigant Kaiba

Hmm. Well, I guess I'll wait until the video is available. And I was excited too.

Elijah Roberts

Android, Galaxy S21. Still getting the error but it's alright.


Love how shigiraki slowly growing into tht final boss status

Shin splits

This was a good episode but as a manga reader I felt like it could have been so much more. To bad they had to spilt their focus because of the movie