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We got some new official heroes on the block!



Watch "MHAS5E12" on Streamable.



Lmfao that thumbnail


bruh why you got my mans going plus ultra in the thumbnail

Melvin Martinez

Taylor isn't ready for the second half of the season


yall gonna be reacting to records of ragnorok when it comes out on netflix its pretty fire i hope the studio did it justice


the shows getting too close to the manga i aint tryin to wait 2 years for the next season


There 25 episodes this season, and I'd say about 11 of them will change everyone's perspective on MHA


Bakugo is such a menace, bro really told someone to go commit suicide somewhere else 💀


It isn't on the final arc. What are you saying? It is on the final act. An act could be multiple arcs. As for the anime getting too close. I would argue that it really isn't that close. We have basically another full season of content ready right now. The war arc is the longest arc in MHA so far. It will probably be more than 12 episodes depending on how they pace it. By the time the next season comes around which is typically 1 year or so from the ending of the season beforehand it will already have a good amount of content for the season afterward.

Melvin Martinez

Zoltar was talking about the anime. And is gonna end before the war arc starts. I'm just talking about the manga. Plus you proved my by when you said the world "final" arc


Well I would argue that MHA is already a great show. It just sometimes has really high ups and sometimes has just OK downs. Like the stuff coming up and everything afterward continuously stays mainly in the highs but I would say this past arc was just an OK arc. Also the christmas stuff isn't filler in case you forgot but they actually changed up the times it came out. The christmas part was after MVA but the anime is probably doing it before MVA to sort of keep up the serious tone and pacing that will continue from this point.


Looking forward to Bakugou getting a hero name, and hopefully Shoto going by something other than his real name for his hero name lmao.

Elijah Roberts

Lol yall are clowns and I'm here for it. Lol at that rawr XD comment 🤣🤣🤣


I just noticed Taylor's mouth is wild in the thumbnail lmao

Daniel Turner

Heard they might be swapping the next two arcs with each other for the anime