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Midoriya looks like he's making some progress with his new quirk!



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That scene when deku started to freak out that the copy kid was gonna tear apart if he used one for all, it makes me wonder if this story of how deku "became the greatest hero ever" is a story that's going to end with him willingly given up his power to all for one and it killing him. Becoming a regular human again, but still being the greatest. Ngl, that would piss me off.


Right, lol the creator is like "nobody will see this coming"


I think All for One's body would handle it because he already has a bunch of quirks. It's an interesting idea though


Nope haven’t watched Gintama yet but it’s on our list for sure!


Yeah, Gintama is legendary comedy. I think the only complaint I have is you REALLY have to be able to read fast at times. Some of the comedy has little editor notes but they're placed at the same time as the subtitles. So you'll be reading the subtitles on the bottom of the screen, see subtitles pop up at the top of the screen at the same time, and both lines will disappear at the same time. So you'll either have to pick one to read, or pause it a bunch.


Lol youre thinking of Kintama. It's the very first joke in the show, so instead of spoiling it for the guys, if you want you should go re-read the introduction paragraph when the show starts ep1


Actually Gintama is legendary anything. They put 100% into everything. Comedy (of course it's what it's known for), drama, some of the saddest scenes in anime, the fight scenes are absolutely amazing. It really is top tier


Dude but yea! My favorite arc is the next one too!! I am so damn excited


I'm just talking about the very first joke. It's an introduction paragraph that says " Thank you for watching our show, Gintama. It uses the characters "*" which mean Silver and Soul. Please do not call it Kintama that uses the similar character "*" which means testicles". The show it self points this out in the very first scene. That's all I'm saying


Like I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying I thought you were talking about this joke

Damion Middleton

Hyped for the Second Half 😬😬😬