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Bakugo is really a one man army!!



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Hell yeah. I'm not that into bakugo, think hes over rated (personal opinion) but if there is 1 thing that's written really well about him is he is on Vegeta level tactics. The guy can read a fight.


they really do be focusing on dem cheeks


Patiently waiting for next episode. The thing I have been waiting for in this entire arc.


He is pretty much the Vegeta to Midoriya's Goku.


Yeah I know. But even tho there's always a similarity, I feel Vegeta is actually best known for his tactical mind. So it makes it a stronger similarity than a simple comparison of rivalry


I actually would argue against the "one man army" part, considering he actually probably could not have won this without his team, and the point of this episode being, "Oh shit, Bakugou can actually work with a team." His attitude aside, he came out this episode acing the leadership and strategist roles.


Honestly this is the only anime I've ever seen with decent cheeks. I ain't mad.


It would be dope tho if this copy kid accidentally copied dekus actual quirk. I use to think it was a bullshit theory till they showed dekus Dr calling all for one master.


I wanna see Toga getting some fanservice shots in the next arc like they are with this arc with all them cheeks popping up everywhere. You can't complain about any females having a flat booty in this anime. They make sure those cheeks are curvy. But I need some Toga cheekage ASAP.

Neo Diablo666

Not tryna to spoil, but the manga later confirmed this theory is false. It also hasn't been confirmed if that Doctor was the same one who diagnosed Deku either, so...


Well even if it's a false theory, the anime shows the same doctor. Idk if in metahuman future doctors have a uniform to look like Dr robotnic but it definitely looked the same.