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Onto round 3! I'm tired y'all I'm sorry, I promise to have more COTE and HxH tomorrow, I have to be up for work in 5 hours so unfortunately I can't do any more edits.



Watch "MHAS5E6" on Streamable.



it kills me that they let invisia girl run around pussy in the wind nothing but some boots and gloves


This episode was disappointing to me. I hope this is the only episode that really plays out like this. This episode in particular really stands out in the sense that the studio is yet again trying to stretch an arc out because they want it to end at a certain episode. They went even harder with the recap. They threw in flashbacks and reused scenes. This entire episode was not necessary for the rest of this fight. It felt like the main budget of this fight was used last episode so logically it would be better to finish the rest of the fight as quickly as possible instead of letting it feel dragged out and boring like this. If this was really necessary to happen and this episode needed to be sacrificed for the sake of the upcoming fights I can handle it but I was hopeful that the studio would adapt this arc good based on the trailers but even if they put great animation into these fights it is still going to have problems when they pad the fights out to reach the midway point of this season. Either way I am already ready to get to the final fight cause that is the only thing I care about with this arc and we can finally move on to the really good stuff in the next arc and onward.

Justin Peacock

I try not to be one of them Hunter X Hunter fans that get all bent out of shape when I don't see uploads, but it's so hard because I'm just so excited to see ya'lls reactions to the upcoming episodes that I start to get impatient when I don't get any explanations. But since I know how tiring it can be to have to go to work and balance other things in your life, let alone editing videos for the channel, I'm just glad you gave some sort of explanation and that's all I ever ask for, I don't know about other people, but I tend to be more understanding and forgiving as long as I get an explanation or a reason. Thanks!


I feel like a counter to Shinso trying to mess up communication is just to make a quick signal towards everyone. Like they have to say a certain word or sound or something before speaking so they know it’s actually you speaking. I don’t know I’m just here guessing stuff


I feel what Terrence is saying. If this was supposed to be strategist vs strategist it felt weak. For Class B it was just "If plan A fails, we'll go with plan B". Not to say the both plans weren't good. I felt the Momo vs The IQ tea-drinking quirk girl portrayed a better strategist vs strategist fight. Then again it might just be how quicker the battle was resolved here.


I enjoyed this episode..... at least the parts with Tokoyami poppin off and the battle of the waifus Kendo vs. Momo. But if I'm being REALLY honest, definitely as far as the first few eps go, enjoyed S4 more, and enjoying pretty much every other anime I'm watching more. However, I think they're doing a good job with the fan service lmao.


You don't need to know what every edgy line by Tokoyami means, he's the Edgelord crow, there's really nothing to it. But, if everything MUST have some meaning, then let's just say it gives him a morale boost. XD


I think they're just going slow. It's another two cour season and the very first episode deku says in an adult voice "this is how I became the greatest hero". I'd rather they just keep telling the story instead of time skips or anything like it. Lol I will admit tho today's episode had me doing other shit and not really watching. Cooking and on youtube with my phone lol


Bruh I uploaded like 6 or 7 HxH reactions in a row last week lmao. More is coming today.