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Wow! There was a lot in this episode! From comedy to revelations!



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gerard long

This was a epic episode that ending caught me off guard

gerard long

Nah it's messed up again I just tried to look at it


WHAT IF....... Demon Lord Rimuru's gift to Shion gave her the ability to cook well? XD Lmao love how the music got extra dramatic when Benimaru tried the password. Rimuru slammed that Uno Reverse down hard.


Try now. Idk why it's giving you and the other dude yesterday issues I haven't seen anyone else say anything about it

gerard long

Now it's working and idk why either it usually never does that


Whoo they're all back. Stuck at work so the fun facts/cut content will be later but fun episode


10 days is not less than a week. 10-3 = 7 days, which is exactly a week. Did you forget your math, Sherm? XD


Also RIP Benimaru but dude was asking for it doing that.


But yeah, it'd be pretty impractical to have a huge-ass dragon just chillin or wandering around. As a pivotal character, he's gotta be able to interact with the Kijin, Rigurd, etc. Being in a human body will allow him to do that, and also allow him to be more agile in battle.

Larile Millvet

Milim blasting the city was hilarious. It went from vaporising some buildings in a line, to destroying a 2nd mountain 100km away 👀👀


Surely by this point Remiru has the capability to make a penis by his own design cause they some females that need to be pleased and made happy. Shion really need some of it. I couldn't bare being around all these sexy females and not having some actual fun time. But that is just me.


I thought of the exact same thing with the super saiyan 3 look. I wonder if the author took from that design specifically and made it in his. It could just be the thought of the lion type of look since he is named beastmaster or whatever


Rimuru, selfcest.


All these breaks on my favorites 😭😤

Георги Христов

Have to agree, I'm enjoying this season but the Manga (as an adaptation) has better pacing and a few more explanations, and character interactions that were skipped or changed. Plus the Manga's art style is really good as well. Shame it's a monthly release so it's not that far ahead of the anime. One thing that does bother me this season are a few of the choices for the soundtrack but I'm nitpicking.


Ok, A day late but Here come the fun facts and cut content, For this one there is not too much I can go into because there was a slight change of events, nothing major but I will hold off on big details incase that might be ep 1 of the next part as for Diablo and Rimiuru's meeting they were supposed to be having that party Rimuru mentioned having at the end of the episode before he releases Veldora and it was at that party that he met/talked/named Diablo. For the fight between Milim and Carillon there was a bit more but mainly it was Millim was less happy and laughing, when she pulled out her sword Carillon got excited because it meant she was taking him seriously, and when she destroyed the city she DESTROYED the city nothing but a wasteland for miles around after her attack. other than those I cant really go into much more because if they make what I suspect they will into ep 1 of the next part it will all be spoilers so for now time to freeze myself until part 2 starts.


yeah the monthly release makes me sad too but they put in a lot of detail so I can see why it takes so long