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Well, talk about a recap lmaooo. Calm before the storm though, can't wait for next week!



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gerard long

He bout to murder all them ningen and they all deserve it too


Yea, I felt like this was dragged out, but they’re catching up with the manga (even though the LN is almost done) next episode should be a banger tho.


Quite literally a waste of an episode. I was super disappointed. Season 2 has felt super inadequate compared to season 1 because of the pacing. Hopefully next week makes up for some of it.


How is it a waste? It's a good buildup. You're overreacting so hard, it's an anime, calm your tits. Lmao. It's two cours. :P People bitched second half of S1 was too fast, now ppl are bitching S2 is too slow. Y'all pathetic af XD. Like, you're really one of those people that really gets off hard exaggerated their negative opinions and calling everything "hot garbage" and "trash" and "a waste" when it's actually more like, "I didn't like it" or "I wasn't a fan of it" or "it wasn't my cup of tea." LOL. Learn some more opinionated statements rather than absolutes, yeah? It might help you be a better person :)


Only a minute or two of recap, not a big deal. We got a good idea what's gonna go down and what the plan is. Most of the episode is about planning retaliation. Also we got to see more character interaction, especially after everything that's happened. It would feel weird and RUSHED if they just jumped into the battle without the bit of planning and talking that was necessary for everyone to get on the same page. Imagine if they did this planning stage for a whole half an episode, and then only half an episode for the actual battle, which would be interrupted awkwardly or abruptly when the episode ended. But this way, we get a whole episode of the battle next week.

Георги Христов

BTW, Megiddo was the title of chapter 65 of the manga, haven't read the WN or LN but I'm pretty sure that title and idea came from the author.