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It's still #FuckGabi!! Even the horses hate Gabi!



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fuck gabi all my homies hate gabi

Jalen Holmes

That horse must've hurt like shit lmao

Jose silva

Damm it Jean


Gabi is like the only character i hate as much or more than Noelle


The irony that they would arrive at there, and meet that family, of all people. WOW. This episode was stressful. AoT has definitely reached higher stress levels than Re:Zero for me. XD Also, that blonde girl pretty much insinuated Gabi's "logic" is flawed af. I was like, "Bitch your logic is flawed, gtfo and sit the fuck down." Like, bitch, stop talking about shit that happen a long-ass time ago. And she's reached such levels of brainwashed that she's pathetically attached to the armband. Like, she isn't interested in freedom from oppression at all. She legit hates herself and she doesn't even know it, it's pathetic af. Falco's also a kid and he's had the sense to break free from the brainwashed mindset. Also the way she says, "I'm a good Eldian" is basically like, "I'm a good doggy."


Nail on the head bro. I think AOT isn't as stressful for me just because I've read the manga, but I couldn't imagine being week to week with this as anime only lol.


Terrence speaking facts at the end there. I'm just waiting for Falco to suddenly snap, and verbally go off on Gabi. And when Gabi tries to talk over him, he puts his foot down like, "NO, YOU LISTEN." At least, I hope that happens eventually.

Daniel Turner

Braus family got extra food now, Gabi pulls up don’t mind if I do, if only they knew

Matthew B

I legit want Gabi to just fuck all them up. Shoot Eren, shoot Hanji, shoot all them fucks. This self rightous BS is getting old. Just kill em Gabi, espcially Armin, fuck that asshole. I hope louiss chokes Mikasa on her plague scarf.

Matthew B

lol that was a drunk comment and it was stupid. But here is my real comment. Personally I don't find Gabi annoying. I find her pitiable, broken, and just a sad example of cyclical hatred and violence. Iyasama is literally making a story commenting on racism and colonialism and who if anyone is responsible for the aftermath of what their ancestors have done. Edit: Okay, she is kind of annoying, not gonna lie. But I still think what I said after that. Edit 2: Like, even the community fandom hate for Gabi is at this point a meta commentary on cyclical violence that doesn't stop until someone just fucking stops. Sasha was a beloved character sure, she brought levity and laughs in a totally fucked up story. But she still participated in the liberio raid, as a soldier. She knew what she was doing and as a soldier she knew she could die in the attack. Bottom line, Iyasama is a good writer (except for the prison break lol) and he says fuck your racism, move on.