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What a banger, show has not missed yet! And we got to see Neiru the GOAT in action!


wonderegg5.mp4 (1080p)

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Just Another Josh

"Teenage rebellion. They'll want to go if we say not to. They know that doing that will build up their own identities." I mean, I think all of us can clearly tell this whole situation's very off and can expect a Madoka-esque twist in the future, but it's still really interesting to try and figure out just how these girls are being manipulated. These two god-like beings are pretty clearly preying on their emotional weakness, but the real question's "to what end?". The biggest hint so far is definitely the choice of people the girls have to protect. While none of them have very explicit about it, they've all been something that torments the girl. My guess is that over time the girls they protect will start prying more and more into their own doubts and weaknesses. It's just hard to tell what the end goal is. Is this all a punishment for what they did to the girls that died? Or is it meant to make them accept the guilt and gain a second chance? There are just so many ways this series could go. Either way, this falls perfectly into the kind of show I'm always a huge fan of. The Madoka's and Yuki Yuna's which keep a horribly depressing world right below a layer of bubbly happiness.


Javon finally got what he wanted lmao! Finally some insight to Neiru's character. The scar on her back had me shook as hell

Jalen Holmes

I've been thinking about watching this anime


this show is handling very borderline themes really well so far i really do hope it keepts progressing better each episode, and if it does this is easily anime of the year for me


Funny...i got called crazy for comparing this to Madoka, glad someone else sees it


Im gonna be so upset when this show is over 😭