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Sorry we didn't have time to fit in Movie 4!! But this movie was dope!


gos3.mp4 (1080p)

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Just Another Josh

It's so satisfying seeing you guys go on the exact same journey of trying to piece together the timeline of these movies. There's a lot that you all noticed but are worth confirming. First, a fun little easter egg is that the events of this movie were directly referenced in the first movie. There's a one-off dialogue about the bridge being collapsed and Asagami Fujino's name itself is mentioned. Also, this incident is the reason Shiki's arm is prosthetic throughout movie 1. So she actually tanked her real arm being shattered and twisted to try and get that stab at Fujino. This is the first time we've really seen Shiki's power explained, although it doesn't get fully elaborated on until the next movie. As it's been described now her eyes allow her to "see death". In this movie you get some hints at just how crazy that concept is. She was able to "kill" the spiral that Fujino used to twist space, she was able to kill her twisted arm, and she was able to individually kill just the appendicitis in Fujino, saving her life. Her brag about potentially being able to kill a god isn't much of an exaggeration. This entire fight was just Shiki trying to visualize Fujino's power, so that she could perceive its death and kill it. Also, Fujino and the girl from movie 1 are not related. The line about her family was a reference to a family of demon hunters that all shared telekinetic powers. What's interesting though is that both of them had a connection to Mikiya, which he wasn't fully aware of. The girl in the first movie saw him constantly bringing flowers to someone in the hospital and fell in love with him, while Fujino remembers Mikiya from their childhood encounter. We've got two antagonists who both knew and were attached to Mikiya, yet he wasn't aware of it. You can also throw Shiki into the mix too, as her backstory is also completely tied to him. Just something interesting to pay attention to as the movies continue.


This anime with the movie is a little confusing but I gotta say that the ost, and music is great.


Wow!! Thanks so much for all that info! I agree, definitely is dope to see what’s happening as we go along and try and piece things together, especially with the timeline!