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no matter how many times i seen that scene i get watery eyes lol

Jalen Holmes

Yessir I loved this episode 10/10 for me man

Tyler Donaldson

No doubt, best episode of the series. Fels MVP


Yup. with that yeah this has been the best episode of the season so far and I will get into a bit more of the cut content for this one. To start there was a bit more fighting missed with a lot more people involved but that was probably cut to save on animation since the fight was supposed to be all of Loki Familia there and that would have been a lot to do. A big thing is they got the monsters name wrong again, The Black Minotaur is named Asterios and yeah he is tough (get ready for him). For Fel's spell Dia Orpheus, it is one of his few spells and this is the 1st time he has casted it successfully in over 800 years. They never go into why it has such a low success rate but there is probably some unknown trigger. mainly other things were just minor and un important so those few things are pretty much it and I cant wait for the tail end of this season glad you guys are still enjoying it and looking forward to the next one.


Thanks for the info bro! And yes of course! It’s one of my favorites of the season!


And here is just some extra stuff For Minotaurs they are pretty much the strongest monsters for the middle floors, floors 11-18 and Vouivre's are more of a Lower Floor monster range around floors 19-24 A big hand out I have for you is the name of the insert song in this episode is "Mayurio by Sajou no Hana" immediately after I saw the episode on Friday I went looking for it and my Familia members helped my find the full name so here ya go. And one final thing you guys mentioned that the show got way away from the title but if you think about it, Wiene is the 1st girl Bell picked up in the Dungeon.




You almost 2 hours late don’t finally me lmao you clearly weren’t in a rush 😂


oh and for why did Haru and Lili Faint when Asterios roared that's a monster skill called Howl. Depending on the strength of the monster and the will of the Adventurer they use it against the Adventurer will either, A. Be un affected B. be paralyzed with fear or C. lose consciousness and with a lvl 7 Xeno's howl hitting 2 level 1 supporters Haru and Lili didnt stand a chance.


Oh and last thing be careful if you see someone trying to tell you what Asterios is cause that is a huge spoiler that is important for the finale of this season so just be careful.


Bro wtf.... I even made a comment in the fire force post and I was refreshing like every 30 minutes. How the hell did I not see this until now? Patreon be bugging


I heard from some others that the repercussions of the spell were already done because Fels is already technically undead and is just bones. Also the fact that it probably happened for the first time is because I think the spell said something about tears coming from someone pure and the requirements had been met between Weine and Bell. It isn't just something that can easily be done cause that would fuck up the story having something so broken without actual repercussions.


That sounds familiar so that might have been part of it. One more thing for the spell though is that it does cost all of Fel's mana so he can effectively only use it once.


They gave a pretty big hint in this episode but it isn't something super obvious until you know it. But it is definitely a spoiler so watch out.


I am guessing the ending scene was sort of like a taste of what Bell is going to have to deal with after causing all of this and going against humanity. I may be wrong cause I don't actually read the light novels but still even after all of this it isn't exactly known that Bell is protecting the Xenos monsters even though he was attacking other people over Weine. If anything I think it could be seen that Bell was simply being selfish and people probably thought he just wanted the monster all for himself. It sort of backs this up with the ending scene as well cause the guild girl told him he was doing all of this out of selfishness and not what he is actually doing it for which is protecting the monsters.


I’m glad you guys liked this one, I kinda set myself up for disappointment by reading ahead 😔


Man I read ahead because I couldn’t wait for this episode an they really did the golem dirty I was honestly hyped for the fight


For me the golem was kind of un important so I didn't mind as much but yeah I can see some people wanting a bit more cause it was cool when I read about it. Tiona is badass though and doesn't look at explosions


you're pretty much spot on. There was originally supposed to be more people at the end to let what he did sink in but Eina did give him the slap since she knew he wouldnt do something like that for money (which is what he tried to make people believe since Vouivre's are a super rare monster whose drop item, mainly the jewel in their head are worth thousands if not millions) so she was mad at his actions and the fact that she knew he was lying to her.


It's something I have had to deal with since season 2 but I have tempered myself to know that the show will never be as great as the book so you really have to let it slide and just take the show for what it is and so far season 3 has been great and look at it this way, the series did its job and got you into a great Novel series. Here's to vol 15 coming out next month.


Yea that’s why I’m not going to read ahead anymore. Also I’m excited because next season is going to be vol.13 and I heard a certain fight is going to happen there


It was at that moment, Dix knew he fucked up.


I actually have a pretty good theory based on the conversation between Freya and right hand boytoy, and from what was said about Xenos.


Nice hold onto that and give us a great big "I called it!" once the secret is revealed.

Umi-Ocean R

shazamed that song, gave it a like and already went back to it a couple times. Really loved this episode as well!