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Man what y'all thinking?! Beatrice is looking more and more sketch as this continues! Peep the theory about her during this episode's ED though lol.


rezeros2e7.mp4 (1080p)

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I really wanted to give Beatrice a hug. It must suck having no control over your own life like that.


Happy Birthday Von !


I'm thinking..... maybe she's actually the daughter of one of the Witches..... and maybe, super crazy thought, Roswaal is the father :O That's a really insane theory, pretty far-fetched (maybe that's taking the "Mother" line too literally). Either way, there's a deep connection somewhere. It could be she's just an Archbishop herself, and no actual relation. But I'm definitely sure Roswaal is also connected in there somehow. But I'm still proud of my prediction that Isabella was Ray's biological mother in The Promised Neverland. Since then, I've stopped being afraid to be bold with my theories and predictions. XD P.S. Manga readers, please don't reply to this with your bullshit, thanks. :) I'm just speculating. :P

Job Pedro

One thing I’ll never do is spoil anybody but how did you guys not catch that Ryuzu went from wearing black to white in the field. I actually have no idea if it means anything but that’s just to speculate. I do know a bit of backstory to Beatrice, but I ain’t gonna say. Last thing to note is HAPPY BIRTHDAY Javon!! 🔥🔥

Jalen Holmes

Birthday punches with the homies is wholesome violence at its finest degree lmao

Tyreesh Simmons

Idk if this is spoiling, I don’t think it is (I haven’t read the source material but I can’t remember if I heard this a spoiler). I’m pretty sure it was established in the first season that Beatrice is a spirit.

Loro Lukic

It never mentioned she was a spirit. She was called a great spirit this season and Subaru was confused


Honestly the screen was dark and we had some light reflecting on it so I didn’t even notice

Jake Thompson

She announces herself as the guardian of the library, and that she's "not human". Subaru has a natural affinity to spirits, hence his connection to Puck, always finding Beatrice's room, and getting possessed by Betelgeuse. Pretty obviously a spirit.

Jake Thompson

As to your theory at the end, I don't think that Beatrice is connected to the witch of Envy, I think she's linked to Echidna (her eyes are butterfly shaped and Echidna is covered in butterflies in the ED). I'm pretty sure that the witches, since they were all absorbed by Satella, aren't part of THE witch's cult. After all, Betelgeuse was only focused on the witch of Envy despite being the Archbishop of Sloth, so I think all the Archbishops are connected to Satella and not the rest.

Loro Lukic

@Jake Guardian doesn't specify spirit, they started the show emphasizing non-humans exist, his affinity for spirits doesn't attribute to his connection with Puck - he's friends with Puck through association, it doesn't attribute to him finding Beatrice's room (A spell), and Betelgeuse can only possess those within the Witch's cult, again, nothing to do with affinity to spirits. What are you on about bro


The words "Beatrice is a spirit" are never explicitly stated but it's pretty easy to infer to be honest, especially after Frederica referred to her as "the great spirit"!

Jake Thompson

Everything to do with affinity for spirits, hence why when Julius used his spell to connect everyone to break Rem's illusion Subaru felt it much stronger than everyone else, and literally announces that Subaru's affinity for spirits is strong. Since Subaru isn't a member of the witch cult, it seems like that point is moot, and he just finds Beatrice every time cuz he's LUCKY?