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misfitofdemonking6&7.mp4 (1080p)

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Duane Si

The day to day uploads.... I like that 😏

Super Gestuga (Sakura)

Man I think this show might just only get, but I hope it gets another season.

RJ Lee

Glad to see the whole crew here reacting to this


That bitch finally got what she deserved! He even shrunk her boobs LOL.


Finally got the names of the members of his Fan Union. Himka Houra and Carsa Kurnoah are my faves. <3


Yesss!!! I haven't started the reaction itself yet, but seeing all four of them there has me hyped!


its good to see the boys all together again


I mean, the whole idea is that Anos is THE Demon King of Tyranny, and therefore EXTREMELY op, so he can literally do w/e the fuck he wants, when he wants (with very few limitations). So technically, it's not bullshit because he's the Demon King. Also something to note is that this doesn't take place in the real world, so there are lots of things in the anime that are fantastical and unrealistic. It's essentially One Punch Man, but with magic. Also, not sure what was so hilarious about him healing his mom's ankle? He can do it, so why wouldn't he? It's common sense. XD And I don't think his dad fell off a cliff. THAT is something that came out of someone's ass lmao. Climbing a cliff injury doesn't always have to be falling LOL.


People get offended by the dumbest shit, I'm Mexican so I have a bit of an idea of white people do or say shit its all good ,but have another race say and do the same, we have an issue. So having a white American doesnt bother you but stating that there is a white America now you're the racist TF? anyways episodes were good and I agree we know what going to happen but I still wanna see it and this Anime is fun to watch


Watching this show reminds me of The Devil is a Part-Timer. If ya'll haven't seen that, and are looking for a really good comedy show with magic, I HIGHLY recommend it. It's short and has just the right amount of everything to make it a good show. In short summary, it's a reverse isekai where the main characters are transported from their fantasy world into Japan and trying their best to live out their adult lives, hence the "Part-Timer" in the title. As always, thanks for the back-to-back releases, fam. Looking forward to tonight's movie!


We were laughing at the ankle because of the way it looked and our laughter continued because of how ridiculously broken he is lol. Resurrected everybody there like nothing. And good point on the cliff injury, we were just joking though lol.


Thanks bro! Definitely will be on the look out! And got about 15 minutes left on the render!

sergio sanguino

You know those FPS games where you press a button to revive your teammate. Thats exactly what Anos did

Daniel Turner

Lol Lay literally pulled a sasuke said thanks ko girl and put her on bench

Mario Ortiz

i watch this on youtube and i mist the best part bringing racist back to life as a minority that shit got me laughing so hard jajajaja 😊🤣