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NEW VIDEO LINK: https://streamable.com/mss1xk

You know the vibes! Heroes rising baybee!



You’re doing weekly movies AND more movies on top of that? Ya’ll are beast! Will enjoy this after I get off work 😊

Job Pedro

You guys never disappoint can’t wait to watch with y’all!


Thanks for the content 🙏


Whether it's canon or not is entirely at the watcher's discretion. The movie has canon elements (like Shigaraki mentioning Nine), but other points will never be referenced again in the main story. It's like the director/mangaka animated and told their fan fiction of the original material. This also means the first movie, Two Heroes, is an isolated story and not exactly canon, with obvious exceptions regarding All Might's relationship with his old partner David Shield. However, no official confirmation besides the fact that transferring OFA to Bakugo was a draft for the manga's ending: https://twitter.com/CDCubed/status/1148758195801710592

Shin splits

Tbh that wouldn’t be a bad ending because Deku said this is the story how he became the greatest hero it doesn’t me he has to become the strongest because u don’t have to be the best to be the greatest.


For how One for All was transferred is (im pretty sure) that there was a big cut on Bakugo's index finger and a ton of blood on Deku's hand which contains DNA. So when they interlocked fingers I guess that is enough DNA to enter Bakugo's bloodstream and transfer One for All over. Also in the scene where they are reaching for each other it pretty much emphasizes the gash in Bakugo's finger and the blood on Deku's finger.


Upgraded just to watch this! Sadly I will have to go back down to 5 dollar tier after this month but I am also hoping to watch that Danmachi movie reaction before I turn back


I know I am late with this of course but one big thing about the ending with how Bakugo never got the power and it transferred BACK into Deku is mainly hinted from All Might that the holders of one for all intended for Deku to keep it. They made it super confusing by All Might originally saying he passed out but then All Might goes back on that answer and talks about the one for all holders performing a miracle and allowing Deku to keep it all for himself. They also had Bakugo forget everything at the end most likely because they don't ever plan on bringing this up in the main story. You gotta remember this is a scrapped idea that the author threw away. While the manga let us know it could be canon and when this happened in the main time line it will most likely never be brought up again. Also if you read the manga you know why the one for all holders could intentionally keep Bakugo from having it and let Deku still use it. Also it could just be that the holders didn't see Bakugo as being a fit holder of the power so they didn't let him keep it but that is just something you could "say" happened.


Very valid points, and yeah the manga chapters as of late really show that OFA has it's quirks (no pun intended) and a mind (or several) of it's