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It's here! Our very first weekly movie reaction A Silent Voice! Can't wait to watch it all with you!


(No title)



Yo Sherm looking wild with that baby face he got rn it just feels unnatural


oh that's a nice intro for movie night

Job Pedro



I'm not going to lie I hated the mc at first too


Still watching, but the microphone audio switches to your camera (I think) @ 1:35:30. Not sure if it changes, and it's not a big deal for me, but just a heads up.


Nothing gets past you 😂 but yeah for some reason the microphones starting clipping and making strange noise when we were talking, trust me, what I replaced it with is 10x better than what it was before 😅


The scene when Ueno signs baka and how happy Shoko is, is one of my favourite scenes in any anime. Means so much to shoko since she wants everyone to change for the better, and Ueno was the last toi come around and proved it with that scene.


When Shoko said “I like you” (suki), it sounded like “tsuki” which means “moon”. Especially with the way her speech sounds. Thought I’d help clarify. Enjoyed the reaction fam

AlexXis Amadeus

This movie has a lot of subtlety that I think a lot of people really miss on first viewing.


That was wild. The theme of depression really hits close to home to. This and the Ishigami scene with the blank faces is a really good way to show it off imo. Cus thinking back to high school, apart from my few close friends I cant remember anyone else's faces and it's only been a year and a half. All in all, a great film!

Jose loeza

If you want more in depth stuff i suggest reading the manga even tho the movies is Amazing they focused on what the main message the story was trying to portray so they didnt include everything for example the movie arc, more backstory with shoko and her sister,and theirgraduation stuff after but overall still amazing


this movie still gets me man


ive rewatched this movie 4 times now and still makes me tear up. amazing animation, soundtrack just everything about it is beautiful, kyoto animation really nailed it with this movie💯


ive read this and watched a few times and the scene with him when all the Xs fall is just straight perfect everytime. that and when he yells her name before she jumps. the feels everytime


The portrayal of school bullying is so spot on. You've got the obvious bully who does it because he thinks the victim's weird and they enjoy it (Sho - Protag). You've got the passive-aggressive bully who ostracizes the victim and anyone that tries to associate them (Ueno - Long, dark hair) . You've got the onlookers who just watch and laugh at the victim but don't try and stop it (Kawai - Blondie). You also get the teacher that's just phoning it in; a person who only gives a shit when it reflects badly on them, even though they know bullying's going on.


It's hard enough telling the difference when you have healthy hearing so I can only imagine what it's like for a person who's deaf. Not to mention how nervous she was when she said it!


Like how Sho's mother is bleeding - presumably from having an earring ripped out - after going to apologize to Nishimiya's mother. Was it done intentionally? Did they get into a scuffle? Maybe Sho's mom did it to relate to the pain Nishimiya felt when her implant was ripped out.


I was so fucking anxious during the latter part of the movie lmao. I was overwhelmingly relieved when it ended. Loved that movie.


Definitely going to have to check that out. I want to see how the rest of the story pans out.


Yeah bro, legit, I think we've all seen this similar scenario pan out, which is why it's such a compelling and hard hitting film imo.


i want to see some grown men cry so please react to your lie in April


I completely forgot how much i hated Kawai, she tries to act innocent but is lowkey the biggest snake in this movie if you pay close attention to everything she does


I'm not sure if anyone else pointed it out but in the choir scene Kawai started to mouth the words early so that Nishimiya would see and start singing before everyone else. It's intentional so that Kawai could then offer her help in front of everyone. Everyone hates on Ueno for obvious reasons but it's not necessarily clear that Kawai ever felt bad about her part in everything, especially with how she chooses to play the victim. Even when they are older Kawai constantly makes a point of making everything very public, suggesting that she was just acting for Mashibasa to see and like her.


a great movie, i can't lie this made me tear up, living with regret and hating yourself is something that i can relate to, this movie is one of the few that spoke to me personally in terms of depression,anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Thinking of what would happen to my lil brother is what stopped me from making an awful decision, im glad i didnt do it cus now he is engaged and i will hopefully live to see his wedding in a couple years. im on a journey of self love, not quite there yet but ill get there eventually. look forward to seeing you guys react to your name, saw it in the cinemas when it came out and it was noice.

Reuben Filimaua

Sawlid reaction, yeah this is a hard movie with such a satisfying ending. How it deals with the consequences of bullying and social anxiety. Idk if I've seen a film before that focuses on the bully's perspective. Usually we're watching the bullied as the protagonist and how they overcome their insecurities. Not this story, which in itself is quite bold since the story has the hard task of making us root for him which it did. Romance? Eah its not the main point of the film but I guess we can only hope that after dealing with their issues they get together someday. Its more about forgiveness. Its hard to apologize. Its much harder to forgive others. But its basically almost impossible to forgive yourself.


That’s powerful bro. Thank you for sharing man and I’m glad you didn’t make that decision either. We’re glad you’re here bro 🙏🏽


Very valid points bro. I’m looking forward to seeing what your name is about and all the other movies we have planned. And I couldn’t help but root for them to get together man! It just seemed so right because he learned how to do sign language and really changed his way and was trying to redeem himself, then her saying that she loved/liked him.


Omg are movie nights gonna be a thing?? This is one of my favorite movies and it's so beautifully done. It's a carefully crafted story of redemption and realization and I freaking love it.


Yup! We are doing weekly movie nights! We have a vote at the beginning of the month for which movies we will watch and in which order!

Jalen Holmes

This movie is so fucking good


Y'know, whilst Ueno is a dick about things to various degrees, she is actually very on-point about things a couple times in the movie. I mean, she calls out Kawai for acting like she had no part in the bullying when she used to laugh about it and do nothing, basically "supporting" the bullying, and then brought up how they didn't have a right to get on Ishida about bullying Shoko, since multiple members of the class all bullied her, or supported Ishida and other's bullying. Even the teacher basically was aware for ages and did absolutely nothing until the principal turned up about the hearing aids, and then the teacher threw Ishida under the bus as basically a scapegoat for all the bullying that he'd basically let happen under his watch and did nothing about. Honestly, most of Ishida's elementary school class were just dicks.


these subs are so bad lmao