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That's all folks, that's the prologue! See you in Season 2!


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Season 2 bout to be fire

tim kerc

im in for all of you to react to the webtoon ✌️


The epilogue is over. Now the real story begins. And yes that is long hair bam. This one got hands and he breathes smoke...also not a spoiler..but stuff they didn't show. Lero ro got mad and quit when he found out what the espresso machine did. He mentioned that he'll go to the 77th floor. And last episode when yuri gave shibisu that thingy to give to bam she told him to tell bam to go to the 77th floor and that urek mazino is waiting for him there. Urek is also an irregular. And you'll see when we get there ;)


Haven't watched the ep yet hope it is a good follow up to the last one because the last one was actually a pretty dope ep. I just wish all of them were good enough to watch like that one was lol


I really like Rachel's character, she's the most human of all of them. Great antagonist.


I feel it's cooler when you guys go blind and would be cool to go like that into season 2 as well, but I would recommend reading season 1 since it explains a lot more and has more lore in it.


That theory was pretty much spot on ngl. Headon is the one that made Rachel kill Bam, and Hansung is the one that used Rachel as bait to get Bam, but for why coffee turtle is doing this and everything is spoilers and you would have to wait for the greatness that is season 2!!


Rankers have already climbed the tower until the 134th floor where they are granted their title, Leroro and Quant are trying to find some information so they have to climb once again to find it, they just won't have to pass tests every time they get to a new floor, but that doesn't make their trip easy either, becoming a ranker is like finishing your school cursus, once you become one you still have to look for a job and you'll meet hardships for the rest of your life just like anyone, because they haven't truly reached the top of the tower, only the highest floor they were allowed to(the 134th)

RJ Lee

Aye let's get it!!!


It’s too bad Bam doesn’t know that the lady who is training him help set up what Rachel ended up doing to him. She clearly has her own agenda and had no problem breaking the two up.


It seems bad, but look at what transpired. According to the gatekeeper and the lady, Bam is THE savior. Whatever that means. What the gatekeeper told Rachel was probably just a different test because he looked the other way when he was given the Black March. He had every right and strength to kill Bam as soon as he saw him. I genuinely think she is more on Bams side than Rachel's


Beautifully done. I also suggest rereading season one of the webtoon if you want some clarity on somethings. Season 2 and onward is amazing. You're all in for an absolute treat.


So I just watched it. I liked it but I got tired of how long they strayed on the story of rachel just telling everything that already happened. If you haven't already seen the episodes before this then you could literally just watch this episode and get almost everything that has happened so far. This was majority a recap episode and I hate those in anime the most. Everything else was fine but I got so bored I started skipping around cause it was just scenes I already saw and rachel saying constant dialogue about it. Maybe it was because I already knew why she did what she did and who she is as a person because I spoiled myself with some stuff but I just wish they didn't use so much reused scenes and made it shorter to put in some different stuff that didn't make it feel so much like a recap.


On a second note I been getting so pissed at Vimeo. I can't watch vimeo for shit. The thing buffers on me every minute and sometimes it doesn't load at all so I gotta reload the whole damn tab. It was super ass on chrome so I switch over to Firefox and the shit is still ass. It is a little bit better but I STILL can't enjoy a video on vimeo without having it ruined by the buffers. I don't know what to do. My internet isn't the best but it is good enough. I don't have a problem with majority of other video players. I can get on YouTube and watch that without barely ever getting any shit from it. Vimeo needs to up its damn game cause it sucks.


I don’t feel like it was a recap, it told the story from Rachel’s perspective, which was necessary and good for the viewers to see, it was a last ditch effort to humanize her and make her seem somewhat justified. In my opinion it added to how good of a written character she is.


Yea I just found it boring. But like I said I already knew why she did everything and what kind of person she was. I just would of preferred more different imagery than everything we already saw in the previous episodes and I just felt it to be a little longer stretched than I would of like.


Just throwing this out there, if y'all ever consider a live manhwa reading of this or another series I'm so down.


Oh definitely. It will clear up anything you guys are confused on regarding what happened and it'll clarify a few things. You guys really will enjoy season 2.

Umi-Ocean R

You guys should check out Soul Eater, it has some great fights, animation, characters, and music. It also has a appealing art style! The most basic sum up would be that there students who are trained to fight demons like kinda like demon slayer and d gray man. Oh, and I know sub is usually the way to go but the english dub for this sounds like it was originally made for english with how well the voices actors did.


She still doesn't seem as bad ppl make her out to be. Not saying she should be forgiven or that she's a good person, I'm just saying that ppl overreact to her way too much lol. Imo it's more gray, and less black and white. People showing me that they have such a shallow way of viewing this with this anime.


Looks to me that Rachel was legit conflicted up until a point. But imo she's not EVIL, she's just really misguided, mentally unstable, and extremely desperate. She's not a great person, or a good person, but that doesn't make her actually evil. Desperation makes ppl think and do some crazy shit. It also makes them easy to manipulate. Imo there is so much gray going on here, it just feels weird to be a shallow little simp and just state outright that "Rachel is an evil bitch." This seems like a show that would be way more sophisticated than that.


No offense, but Terrence is soooooo ridiculously one-track minded. Dude is blinded by rage over a fictional character. XD Get a hobby, bruh. LOL.


A 5.5/10 for me, i dont think i would’ve made it through the show without the reactions tbh


Lol that means the character is well written if they can evoke real life emotions.


Ah man, sorry you didn't like it bro. From what everyone is saying, S2 is where it really takes off, so we will see!


Manipulation at its highest degree. Rachel seems like the one at fault, but at its core she aint. You think she would have devised all this plan, and would end up killin Bam like she thought she did? Its subtle manipulation. They have been whispering all kinds of stuff to her since the beginning, a naive and jealous little girl who without the interventions would probably never have done what she did. They have been putting this idea that she is nothing but a loser, and Bam is the one who took everything from her. We all know how scary and pitiful brainwashed people are, and that they do not have even half the fault. At that point when your emotions are so stoked by the devil's whisper, you are not rational anymore and is subtly controlled to do stuff you would never have done as an individual. Without those people plotting behind her, she would have stopped at the beginning and although hard, would have realized in time that some things are not meant to be. And probably would have accompanied or watched over Bam. But she got a deal that she cannot refuse, at the lowest point of her life and at her lowest emotional point. I aint defending Rachel, but this stuff more complicated than just she being evil. i swear many of us would have taken the deal if we didnt have the personality built by the modern world and were instead a bottom dweller like Rachel

Umi-Ocean R

Ah, went over to the discord and found out you've already seen it.

Eric Armando Miranda

kinda late ik but wanted you guys to know just incase you didnt before rachel wasnt chosen by headon or the tower to climb it, irregulars for example bam are people chosen by the tower and not headon to climb and regulars are the ones chosen by headon and what headon said to rachel that she wasnt chosen by either but still got there is because bam opened the door for rachel to enter remember she was right under bam so it was completely by coincidence that she got into the tower only because she was under baam but she is still technically a irregular like baam since headon didnt choose her to enter

Eli Kisamo

Don't absolve her of personal responsibility. She is evil and she is in fact the one at fault. She was enabled, but they hardly pushed her. She let her desires rule her to the point where if someone offers her what she wants, she'll do anything to get it. That's not "manipulation at its highest degree". It's hardly manipulation at all. It's really just enabling more than anything. Maybe its different in the manga, but in the anime they don't show anyone whispering in her ear. Headon insults roasts tf out of her, and then offers her the deal. But everything else is portrayed as coming from her own mind. They literally showed her thinking about it, understanding it was wrong, and then deluding herself to absolve personal responsibility and doing the shit anyway. "Have the personality built by the modern world"? Are you... Are you okay? Do you think there is a universal personality type in the modern world? A universal level of morality that everyone possesses? I don't know if you're super sheltered, or have never left the bubble that you live in or something. But, Go watch the news for half an hour and you should see you're sadly mistaken. Also, you went from personality to being a bottom dweller. Are there not bottom dwellers in modern society? Do they not also have this personality you speak of? If so the difference would be their environment. No? Hmmm, its almost like there are other factors that play into how people turn out... Lol. Maybe YOU would have taken that deal with yo evil self.


I'm curious if anyone start rereading season 1?


Yeah I started but fell off among the plethora of other content out there 😂😅