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WOW!! Best episode..That Ishigami backstory is sad af. Like I said! He is Itachi! Willing to be the bad guy for the greater good!



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That backstory made me feel physically sick. It’s been a long time since I’ve shed a tear watching a show.


Retracting/revealing the eyes of others in Ishigami's perspective is truly an interesting device to express his mental state.


That dude was so fucking grimy. I wish I could beat the shit outta him again for Ishigami


She had eyes last episode. That’s one for javon, put in the record 😉


i like how there ways no theme song for this one because its not about kaguya ,the president or them being in love.


Kaguya: "I wouldn't be something that cruel" Me: *Stares into the camera*

RJ Lee

Damn no Taylor this ep? This the full Ishigami backstory ep he wanted too lol

toeppoki supremacy

i think that the pose they use is the manji sign, which is a buddhist sign the the nazi inspired their symbol from. Apperently japanese people use it (the word manji) as a slang and put it at the end of a sentence.


You guys seen A Silent Voice? They kind of use the same poetic device to show depression. Crossing out peoples faces, which is clearly what ishigami was going thru. Depressed people never udnerestand how someone can be so happy and energetic so you look away from it hence the no eyes.


that girl is fucking nasty, never even apologised or said thank you for saving her from a definite rape. i hate when japanese media always makes things light out of such situations, it just sickens me. people would say she was ignorant, but was she really? after all this time, she still didnt understand what happened? hah thats just a nice excuse imo, she ruined her savior's life and she shouldnt even be coming out here acting like a saint. hate when animes do that


bought patreon as soon as i found out kaguya sama was included! such a good episode and reaction, keep doing what yall are doing!


How would she know what happened? Nobody told her the truth about the situation and nobody from their middle school had any faith in Ishigami. From her perspective she saw this guy she's occasionally talked to beating up her boyfriend and telling her she should break up with him. She is ignorant because she literally lacks awareness of the situation. She's not "acting like a saint", she's acting appropriately given her lack of knowledge about the truth. There is no "understanding what happened" because nobody publicly revealed the truth of what happened.


Kind of true, that is what they intended here, but cant you see the fucked upness of it? Like, when Ishigami got suspended the bf probably got the green pass to do whatever he was planning. Nobody stopped him. He was planning a possible g*ngr*ape or even planning on filming it. You think he didnt do it, considering his personality? Why do you think the girl came to Ishigami's school after so much time? Just to watch somebody who beat up her innocent boyfriend in hatred? I swear no girl will ever go visit someone who did a shitty thing like that. I would say she understands to a degree or she went through whatever followed that event and understands Ishigami wasnt lying per se. Nobody is that retarded after they got r*ped, or its just anime logic that made this girl so unreal. And remember, they are implying middle school r*pe scene here, isnt that fucked up?


Where are they implying he raped her? We don't know anything about their relationship other than that he cheated on her and has sexual photos or videos of her. The threat that Ogino made to Ishigami was implying he'd share/spread those which would humiliate Otomo and ruin her reputation.. Also she already said why she came to the school. She saw it as an opportunity to try getting back together with Ogino. And she explicitly stated she still held a grudge against Ishigami for what happened. I don't know where you're getting this idea of rape from?


He literally said, "You like Kyoko right? Come over to my place today" and proceeds to show revenge porn on his phone. Isn't that a tell tale sign that he is probably gonna blackmail him and both Kyoko to not saying anything and busriding her? That inst even that rare either. Its a very common troupe in anime or h*ntai that whenever someone is invited to watch such shit, its gonna derail to a gangbang. He was literally inviting him to the house, and there are words that he said after that wasnt even dubbed or subtitled, further implying he was gonna do Ishigami a favor and let him have a go at her. You think someone who invites another guy to his house at the time he is gonna bang his gf, and implying a whole lotta other shit is someone who cares whether she gets bus ride on?

Loro Lukic

What the fuck kind of anime are you watching where rape scenes are a common occurrence. We don't know what he said but Ishigami beat the living dog shit out of him for whatever he said. I don't even know where to begin with your comments and I'm not prepared to write an essay. But how did you interpret this episode as Japans views on rape not being a serious issue? It's legit the exact opposite, it was either he shuts up and she stays safe or he'd "take it out on her." What are you exactly angry about here? Edit: on another note, I'm not happy with how they didn't explain it to her in the end. You're not really protecting her smile if she was looking to hook up with someone like that again


It comes out more often in anime than you think. And it's portrayed so lightly too. Almost every romance or harem anime has those random guys trying to pull girls away despite their willingness? That's almost rape my guy. If the MC isnt there to say that he is with them or make a show of strength, those dudes are literally dragging them away despite the girls saying no. That's literally the precursor to rape. What do you think they are gonna do when they take them away? Shower them with gifts? Give them life advice? There are also so many animes that have literally even more obvious attempted r*pe scenes. "Romeo x Juliet" had that in the first or second ep I think, they were literally trying to rape a girl and it was glossed over just like that. No repercussion, no taking it seriously. "Ore wa suki nano wa" anime had an important character literally imply and threaten to rape a girl, and he was going to do it if other people werent hiding in the room. You would think he gets his just dessert and gets punished right? No, the MC wants to be his best friend again and everyone forgets that he tried to rape a girl, and the anime goes off on its merry comedic way. And this is just two of the many that I came upon recently. These implied rape and attempts in anime disgusts me so much, especially the fact that almost every anime just ignores the whole thing and the rapist just goes off on his merry way, having fun and being part of the story despite the seriousness of the issue. This is what I am angry about. "Rape" is ignored in anime.


If you've read the manga then you know that Ootomo's boyfriend also said something to the effect of "I'll lend her to you a few times" while showing Ishigami his phone which presumably displayed nudes or porn featuring Ootomo. That obviously means he'd somehow get her to sleep with Ishigami. That line was left out of the anime, but it's still not so subtly hinted at even without that line. I'm not agreeing that rape would definitely be involved, but it would most likely involve coercion at the very least.


Exactly, in the anime it's blurred. It happens more often than you would think. People are so desensitized to rape in anime that they just think its not. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AttemptedRape


Just in this anime/manga section on this link, there are so many. And there are sooo many others that arent even mentioned here. It is taken so lightly that the perpetrators live happily 80 percent of the time.


This episode had that bittersweet ending, which was great. Ishigami saves a girl who is completely oblivious to her boyfriend's rape plot, and he isn't rewarded-- furthermore, he's ridiculed and, basically, bullied out of school. Ishigami and his crew come in clutch with their investigation, and I believe that's how Ishigami was able to graduate junior high. Unfortunate that Taylor couldn't make it to this week's episode; but regardless, great reaction. Was definitely a feels episode. Only one more episode to go! Let's do it to it!

Loro Lukic

Well, after this episodes ending and looking into it, it looks like you're right, pretty disappointing. Thanks for this, maybe I haven't seen too many anime to notice this trend. I never disagreed that this was rape that was happening, but was confused with the 'anime in general.' I was talking about this with someone else actually about how it ended: "To protect her smile even though she was keen to hook up with her potential rapist ex boyfriend. I'm not reading into this wrong, right? Clearly the guy mentions to blackmail her into having sex with ishigami." Ishigami doesn't even have to get involved but I hate it how everyone who knows what really went down is happy with how it ended.


Thanks for being open minded and seeing it from a different point of view. It is pretty messed up and I have had a hard time enjoying a lot of anime nowadays because of the nuances that are flying. As someone who loves the medium, I hope they do not take this very lightly and use the troupe only when it is needed and not for a comedic relief or the random guys hitting on her so i need to save her kind of thing. But its probably not realistic to expect that from them considering how Japan is still very far behind on some topics, like corporate labor or how women are treated


This had me bawling...... most feely episode this season. Goddamn. Calling any episode best episode this season is hard though. They've all been really good.


Yeah, I really would've loved to see him react to it. It's so..... visceral. Is that a good word to describe it?


The translation is actually technically, "Shut up, stupid," but the subbers took liberties to give it more oomph. Which is fine. Just wanted to let y'all know, though. Also, I recognized Ootomo's voice at the end when she raised it a little being all cheerful.... the VA also played Shuka in Darwin's Game (also Ruri in Dr. Stone).

Hoshino Aki

So basically it's like this...

Hoshino Aki

Ishigami rooted secretly for Iino, and Iino helped Ishigami go up to high school by talking to the teachers...