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Greetings to all of our patrons, new and current. I want to give you all an update regarding the current situation. So with the copyright thing going on with YouTube, it looks as though our channel will still be terminated, I will be trying to work it out to get the channel reinstated, so hopefully that will change moving forward. 

Seeing as you all are patrons, that honestly doesn't affect you too much, because you can still view full length reactions here. However it has affected me personally, having this been the second time this has happened, it's had me mentally fatigued. Trying to get actual human interaction from YouTube at this point is impossible, the copyright claimant who said if the videos were removed the copyright strikes would go away hasn't emailed YouTube to notify them of their intent to retract, as far as I'm aware. It's just a frustrating, exhausting situation. In addition to working full time and trying to deal with this from various avenues, it's been difficult to find time to edit. 

Now I'm not looking for pity, I'm just informing everyone of the current situation. Podcast episode will still be coming out tonight, and then I'd like to have Danmachi S2 1&2 out as well later this evening. Then Saiki K and Violet evergarden...Of course the regularly scheduled Kaguya sama tomorrow as well.

I'll close this out with saying that I love you all, I say this on behalf of everyone in Re:animated because we do. Through all of the BS we have had to deal with with YouTube, you all make it worth it. Your support and understanding is immensely appreciated, I cannot thank you all enough.



Much love to you guys, your content is something nice to look forward to especially during lockdown, all love ❤️


Take it easy brother. Sort yourself out first, the people can wait I am sure✌

Jose loeza

Damn youtube stays with its bs bot system , i hope it goes well, much love to you and all of reanimated excited for whats to come

Kuro Shishio

Bless up 🖤✊🏾


🤨 Damn so they just finna renege on what they said they were gonna do? That’s that ho shit... I understand that YouTube is like your child but don’t let this stress you out, you bounced back once and you can do it again 🙏🏽


We all appreciate the work you do my friend! Thanks for giving us all an authentic, diverse reaction channel. I'll continue watching them a long as you put them out lol.

Hakurei Oni

Thanks for the update, and I know how shit Youtube can be. If you need to take a break to de-stress please do so, mental health is important, we still got your back!


I think all of us here on patreon know the struggle and feel the hardship and pain. But we ALL support you. We stand as a fam and we will be here for you and the crew 👍


If the choice is between you getting videos out but being much more stressed and burned out, or you taking it a bit easier and getting less out and so on - take it easy fam. Though I can understand why you wanna just power through. But you have my support either way!


You have my support one hundred percent , I’ll support you guys no matter what 👍


As everyone else has already said, don’t stress about it. Your physical and mental health is more important than all this bullshit going on. If you ever need, just let out anything you want or need to say here. We’ll support you all the way through.


You ain't alone brothers. WE ALL HERE FOR YOU ALL. BE STRONG.


Hang in there fellas. Move past it and come out stronger!